Chapter Twenty-Nine: A Hard Reality

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New Chapter! :D

I’d been in a car with Jonah, even with a drunken brute like Jeremy. But I still hadn’t experienced a car ride with Cameron. It was just as awkward as I expected it to be. Since I’d never even seen his car, I was slightly surprised that I didn’t see a Mustang or anything in special. Granted, it was a great car, but it could not be compared to Jonah’s car.

The inside smelled of Cameron and coffee. I liked that. But throughout the entire car ride to my house, we didn’t say anything. All I could do was sit there like a dumbass as I inhaled the air that smelled so good. They smelled liked Cameron’s hugs, something that I’d been missing for forever.

When we stopped in front of my house, I didn’t want to exit the car. After I stepped out, I knew that things would be exactly like they were today, and I didn’t want that. You’re so selfish. I know. You want Jonah and Cameron. I know. But you want Jonah more. I know.

“So you found out about Danny?” I totally threw that out in the air. No going back now, even if I wanted to. It was better to get it over with now, since I wouldn’t be able to do it any other time.

Cameron nodded. I guess that was all he had to say on the matter. But I still felt that I needed to explain, even if Cameron didn’t even request an explanation like I expected him to ask for.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you right away. It’s just that he’s a part of my past that I don’t like talking about…” I trailed off, stopping only when I saw a flicker of emotion course through him.

“But you told Jonah?” He said, with a hard edge to his question. I wasn’t surprised, just that it was expected way earlier.

“I was in a vulnerable place when I told him. Nothing happened, though.” I explained, adding the second part when I felt that it was best to add it.

With no response, I thought to myself, ‘That’s it. You’ve done it now. Just get out. Get out. Get out.’ And so I did. But as I went to close the door, Cameron shocked me by quickly asking,

“Do you like me?”

“Of course I do.” I said almost immediately. And it was the truth, but I hadn’t really thought about it in a long time with Jonah messing with my mind and all. But I didn’t know if it was as much as Cameron wanted or if it was enough that he deserved.

And with that he nodded and I closed the door. He drove off that night without turning back but I couldn’t blame him. He put the pieces together.


Thanksgiving Day


“I’ll get it, Mom.” I hoped to get out of that scene and never turn back. I wouldn’t even care if it somehow ended up being our neighbor coming to complain about the hectic noise coming from our house. I’d grab their hand and never turn back.

“That won’t be necessary, dear! You continue helping your mother!” Grandma Esther yelled from the hallway. It was no use anymore. She was getting that door and I already knew who would be behind it, though the neighbor option was a hopeful situation.

“He’s British and handsome?” I heard Grandma Esther scream, “You got a keeper, Rose!”

“Grandma…”I grumbled, already growing a darker shade of red that I already was. Before from frustration, now from embarrassment.

“Hello, Rose.” Cameron smiled slightly at me as Grandma Esther pushed him forward into the kitchen. He was red, obviously just as embarrassed as me.

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