Chapter Twenty-One: A Night with Mathews

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Chapter TwentyOne?! That’s cray cray. But coming to an end. JK ha. Not for a while Buddy, not for a while…

The old Rose would’ve never done this, not even thought about it better yet, but that was the old Rose. The thing was, I wasn’t the old Rose anymore, not even close. That’s why I did what I did and strangely, I had no regrets. But coming to think about it late at night with Jonah sleeping beside me right now at 3 am, it’s all very sudden.


“So we’re in the city, you managed to get me out here, and I’m confused. What I’m doing? I have no idea. But I’m doing it, so you have to tell me what the hell you have in store for me tonight.” I spoke after the silence that was unbearable was beginning to suffocate me. We were in Times Squares, the options of where he could be taking me were limitless.

He didn’t reply at first, but he was sure shocked I had spoken up. I guess it was understandable, I was completely muted by my thoughts for about the three minutes we were in the city, and I barely spoke now. Throughout this, I was beginning to wonder that he didn’t want to reply because it was going to be the cheap bar I was suspecting it was going to be. But then we passed it and he spoke up.

“Well, we’re here so…” He trailed off as his eyes searched in front of him for parking spots. He somehow managed to find one in the sea of many cars. We parked and he got out of the car. Guess I should do the same…

“Alright, now follow me.” He said as soon as I was out, too. I was still shocked that we weren’t going into the bar that we had just passed, but then I was shocked by something else. I knew this street, I mean, not because it’s Times Square because every New Yorker does, but that I go here so much I’ve gotten to know it on a personal level. Valentine’s Coffee was just around the corner.

I followed him, and by the looks of it, we were heading into a…dark alley. I stopped in my footsteps, but he didn’t stop. I looked at my surroundings, it was still pretty dark and even though plenty of people were around, I didn’t know any of them. Rather being with someone I knew, I shot at him and ended up walking side-by-side and in pace next to him down the creepy and dark alleyway.

“Seriously, where are we going?” My panic broke through.

“It’s a surprise.” He replied with such nonchalance. That’s real reassuring! Note: Sarcasm.

“Are you going to kill me? ‘Cause that’s the only reason people bring other people in dark alleys.” I whispered and stopped in my tracks. I know it was stupid to ask if he was but if he told me, I could at least run like crazy to Valentine’s Coffee.

“Yes, slowly and very painfully.” He smiled widely as he stopped walking, too. What an asshole!

“It was just a question! And a very good one, too! I mean seriously, who else takes people down dark alleyways? No one, that’s who!” I flipped out. If he isn’t going to kill me, then what are we doing here?

Jonah laughs and shakes his head, then proceeds to ruffle the top of my hair. I gasp and shove his hand off, but he was already walking away. I match his pace. “I’m serious you know, I have a plausible reason for thinking it’s an attack.”

He doesn’t answer me, we just keep walking. Just when I thought we were going to walk out of the alleyway, he stops walking and turns to the left side. There I suddenly see a wooden door, but you can only see it once you move a huge dumpster in front of it (which was what Jonah did). It was old and worn out, like someone’s been going in and out of it plenty of times for years. Jonah suddenly stepped through and didn’t even bother to look back at me to make sure I was following, but I was, though.

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