Chapter Twenty-Three:The Question

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Again, sorry for the last chapter and updating. It’s really no excuse but sometimes school is just too much -.- Again, really sorry. But I hope this chapter makes up for it, there’s going to be a surprise! ;D

I didn’t have to wait long for my savior to arrive. But it sure felt like forever. What made it worse was that I had to hide from Jonah. Two minutes after I had left the bar, I heard the front door swing open. I was on the other side of the brick wall, but I had to make sure I was hidden, so I ducked farther down and into the corner.

            “Rose?” I heard him call out a bit too close. I ducked my head further down into my knees.           “Rose, where are you?” He called out again. I stayed silent. After he called my name about twenty more times, he gave up and drove off, but soon afterwards, my phone kept vibrating and flashing his name on my screen.

            Finally after about ten times of him calling me, I turned off my phone. I couldn’t deal with even seeing his name flash across my phone without sobbing all over again.

            “Is that you, Rose?” I heard someone ask, and it sounded like they were right above me.

            “Hey,” I swallowed, “You came.”

            “Of course I would. What I don’t understand is how come you needed me to come and why?” He scoffed. I saw him look up at the huge neon sign that was in the front of the door. It was a good thing it was there, or Jonah would’ve discovered me. “Wait, why are you at a bar?” He were more alarmed and immediately hunched beside me to check me all over.

            “I’m fine. I’m fine.” I repeated. I heard him sigh deeply before sitting right beside me.

            “Care to explain now?” He chuckled lightly.

            “Well,” I couldn’t just flat out tell him. That’d ruin even more things. The best solution now would be to forget it and go on with my life. If I told him, that’d only add unnecessary drama and definitely make things worse. “I just got drunk in there and I got scared and remembered my mom is going to kill me.” I lied.

            “Ouch. I hadn’t even thought about that. Well, I can call Jonah to give you a ride back home.” He offered. No, that’d make things worse!

            “No, no!”I said a little too fast. “I mean, I don’t want to wake him up just for that. I’ll just take a cab. I still have about twenty bucks on me, I’ll be fine.” I reassured him.

            “Okay,” He hesitated, “But I’m going to stay with you until you get to your house, I’ll just take the same cab to get back.”

            “Thanks.” I smiled, “I really appreciate this, Cameron.”

            “Anytime.” He smiled crookedly.

            So after that, I finally got a cab. We took it to my house and I paid for his ride back home (after insisting of course). Once I was on the porch of my steps, one foot away from opening my door, I just froze.

            Would she be there? What would happen? I didn’t dare think of anything anymore as I walked back down and faced my tree. I almost giggled, remembering how Jonah nearly killed me but made up for it with the pillow fight. But the memory turned from sweet to a punch in the throat. I couldn’t breathe as I climbed that tree. But once I made it in my room, I was safe. I dug myself in my blankets and closed my eyes. I knew tomorrow morning meant hell, but I was ready for it.

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