3. The Bus

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I've been texting with Melanie, and of course she wants to know all about the hot guys behind me. I have to be careful because I never know if one of them could suddenly appear behind me and start snooping on my conversation. I really wouldn't be surprised. They're just that rude.

-To Mel-
1. Green hair, pierced eyebrow, smartass, loud, hot
2. Tan, dark hair, cocky asshole, great body, hot
3. Tallest, skinny, blond, big hair, lip piercing, quiet, hot
4. Longer curly sandy blonde, huge biceps, seems sweet, HOT AF

-To Kelly-
Hmm I think we've established they're hot! But you like 4! I want pics!

-To Mel-
Ha! No pics! No way! 2 would probably break my phone. Total dickhead

-To Mel-
One of them is Ashton - he giggles - idk which he is though

Of course she wants pictures. That's Mel for ya! Let's just say she's a bit boy crazy!

It's quieted down a little, I think the loud one fell asleep, thank god! Now I can return to my sketch. I get a little further into the shading when someone sits beside me again. Ugh! Can't I just get peace and quiet?! Maybe if I ignore him, he'll go away.

"Hey! That's really good!" Nope, not going away. I look up to see the sandy blonde now known as Thing4 sitting next to me. My heart skips a beat and I stutter out a thanks. "Is that Jack Barakat's?" he asks with a huge smile. Oh my god he's got dimples!! And he knows All Time Low? Very few people that I know have even heard of them, and to know this is Jack's guitar? This trip may not be quite so bad after all!

"I'm impressed. Not many people even know who All Time Low is! I'm Kelly, by the way."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Ashton." Okay wow. So Thing4 is Ashton. My list of what I'm learning about this guy keeps getting longer. I look up at his eyes and... oh shit! Look away Kelly! Don't get lost in those hazel eyes. Think of something to say!

"Do you mind me asking where you're from? Your accent is really cool." Cool? Real Kelly? Mental facepalm. But it's better than saying it's sexy, right?! He giggles and tells me they're all from Sydney, Australia. Woah! I wonder if he surfs! Okay that's such a stereotypical thing to think. I don't ask him that because I really hate stereotypes. I just nod at him and smile because I'm too caught up in my own thoughts to speak anyway.

My phone beeps with a new text message from Melanie. I can't look at it right now with him beside me. There's no telling what it says! He asks if I'm going to check it but I have to play this nonchalantly. So I shrug and tell him, "In a bit." I put my earbuds in and hope he leaves so I can see what Mel is saying. He seems to understand that he's starting to really annoy me and finally goes back to his seat.

-To Kelly-
Have you talked to him yet?

-To Mel-
4? That's Ashton! Yup! Gorgeous hazel eyes and fucking dimples! I'm so screwed!

-To Mel-
Oh, and they're Australian!

-To Kelly-
Hot damn! U go girl!

I can't help but laugh as I lock my screen and drift away in my thoughts.


Kelly. I finally got her name! I thought she was hot when I passed her to get to our seats, but up close? Damn! She's gorgeous! She has the most beautiful green eyes I've ever seen. She seems nice, but reserved. I don't know why Calum decided to instantly be a dick to her. I'd really like to get to know her better, but I have a feeling that Cal's going to make that hard to do. At least I have two months to work on it!

As soon as Calum gets up to go to the bathroom, Michael slides into his empty seat next to me.

"Mate, isn't she fuckin' hot?" he asks quietly.
"Gorgeous! And she seems nice, but it's hard to tell with Cal being suck a dick to her."
"Yeah well, fuck him."
"Fuck who?" Calum asks rather loudly from behind Michael. I notice Kelly perking up like she's listening to Calum's outburst.
"Fuck you, mate! You're being a dick. I don't know what crawled up your ass today, but you need to quit!" Michael is the only one who ever has the balls to tell Calum off and I'm glad he did it loud enough for Kelly to hear.

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