46. London

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"We the jury find the defendant, Melanie Carter not guilty."

What? You have GOT to be kidding! Kelly collapses into me in tears. This cannot be happening. How the hell is she getting away with this? The smug look on Melanie's face is infuriating. I wish I could beat that look off her face. She doesn't care what she's doing to Kelly either. How is she supposed to live her life knowing that her brothers murderer was set free? Sometimes I really hate the American justice system.

How the hell am I supposed to leave her now? Again? She's going to be terrified to leave her apartment the entire time I'm gone. I can't leave her, but what choice do I have?

I look over at Michael, and he's irrate. He looks likes he's about to snap. How? Why? I just don't understand!

"I'm so sorry," the District Attorney says disheartedly.

"What do you think happened?" Charles asks him.

"My best guess is that they found the evidence circumstantial. Her attorney did a good job at tearing everything apart. I am really sorry. But we still have the case against Tracy. It's not over yet," he says with a smile. I know that he's trying to help them to feel better, but this just makes it worse. I just wish it was over, and I know Kelly feels the same way.

The drive back to Altoona was really quiet and uncomfortable. We're all pissed off, and scared. Michael comes over to the apartment with us, I don't think he wants to leave Kelly right now, either.

Kelly walks in and goes straight to her bedroom, shutting the door behind her. She didn't lock it, so she's not shutting me out at least. That's a good sign at least.

"We can't leave her like this Ashton!" Michael finally says.

"I don't want to, but what can we do?"

"Take her with us?" he suggests. I raise my eyebrows at him. Why didn't I think of that? Could we do that?

"She can't afford a flight to London, especially last minute. Not to mention she's already lost a weeks worth of pay. She will never do it. She has to pay Mali her rent and stuff."

"Fuck. What about John?"

"What do you mean?" I ask. I think I know where he's going with this.

"What if we ask him to like, contract her out for a few weeks, to help us. She did amazing with Wherever You Are, after all." That's a really good idea actually, if he'll go for it. It would look great on her résumé too!

"Let's ask him!" I run into Kelly's room and she's asleep on her bed. I grab her laptop and take it out to the living room and we Skype John. We run the idea by him, and he seems skeptical.

"Go get Luke and Cal." Michael interjects. He's quite stubborn with his ideas and he's not going to give up until he gets his way. "Let us show you what she can do! I don't have my guitar and obviously Ash doesn't have his drum kit here, but you can get the idea." He is adamant, so John gets Luke and Cal. I quickly tell them the thoughts Kelly had for the rest, and I use the dining table as a makeshift drum kit. One thing I love about drums, virtually anything can become a set whenever I need it!

We go through the song as best as possible without our instruments out here, and John is really impressed. "Kelly did the arrangement on that?" I nod my head proudly.

"It could use a few tweaks, but that's really good! Let me talk to the guys out here and I'll call you soon." Yes! Michael and I both smile as we disconnect the call. Now we just have to wait.

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