38. Out for drinks

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I loved getting all those pictures from Lauren yesterday. They looked like they had a lot of fun, and it makes me feel really good to see that. But what I really loved, was the picture mum sent me. I woke up this morning to a picture of Kelly asleep in my bed at home. I know it was my bed because of the Captain America sheets. Don't judge! Captain America is badass!

"YO ASHTON!" Michael smacks me to get my attention.

"Hu? What?"

"Dude, I can't do this anymore. I can't keep talking to Tracy like nothing's wrong. I'm done. I need to straight up ask her. Ohmygod is that Tiger in your bed?" He's leaning over my phone now, smiling. I nod. Seeing her in my bed makes me miss her so fucking much. And with the trial next week, it is absolutely killing me being here.


"What?" I spaced out again. Dammit.

"Dude, what is wrong with you? You've been out of it for days."

"Sorry, um, yeah sure, whatever."

"Good! I need to just ask her."

Wait, what? Oh fuck.


I almost forgot where I was, but the smell of Ashton on his pillow reminded me right away.

"Pssst.. Are you awake yet Kelly?" Lauren whispers from the doorway. I giggle and sit up. I bring Ashton's pillow up into my lap with me, hugging it close to my face, trying not to be obvious that I'm taking in his scent, as I tell her good morning. She looks at me strangely at first then it clicks in what I'm doing. "He misses you, too, ya know!" I smile at her and put his pillow away before getting out of his bed. I wish I could just stay right here for the next month. Every day gets harder and harder.

We go downstairs and Anne is making breakfast. She asks me to stay, and I can't say no when Harry's pouting with his bottom lip out.

After breakfast I hug them all goodbye and hurry home to skype with Ashton. But when I log on, he's not on. I texted him before I left his moms to let him know I'd be on. I don't think much of it, and then turn on the TV to old Buffy the Vampire Slayer reruns.



"Why did you ask her? Oh my god! Of course she'd deny it. She knows you and Kel are close! The trial's in a week! We can't let Kelly know about this. She's stressed out enough as it is!"

"Whatever dude. I'm done with Tracy. I gave her a chance to come clean. Fuck her!"

Shit. I need to get on skype now and act like nothing's wrong. Rigggght! I'll try. I log on and connect a call.


Ashton is acting really weird. I can't place why, but I know something's wrong. Every time I ask him though, he snaps at me. It really scares me because he's never been this way before. We end the call much sooner than we normally would and I lock myself in my room. I can't handle this right now. The trial's in a week and I'm really nervous. I can't handle Ashton being closed off with me. I crank up my music and drown my thoughts in Alex Gaskarth. Ashton never calls back and I don't try calling him either.

The next morning he doesn't reply to me, or over my lunch. When Amanda asks me what's wrong, I just tell her it's stress about the trial. It's in one week, and it's partially the truth. When our shift ends, Steve asks if I want to go grab a drink with him. My stress levels are through the roof right now, so I agree.

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