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"Trial will be set for November 23rd. Since I don't see Miss Carter as a flight risk, bail is set for $5000. Dismissed."

November. While the guys are still in London. $5000 bail. She'll be out in no time. Groovy. Life just keeps getting better and better doesn't it? I can't let Ashton see my fear though, or he'll never go, and as much as I want him to stay, I can't let him.



We've been acting like this wasn't actually happening. We both knew it was, but we didn't want to face the pain of saying goodbye. But now reality has set it as we're all standing at the gate, waiting for our flight to London. I can barely hold myself together. Kelly and I can barely look at each other right now, so she's saying her goodbyes to my mates.

"Don't worry Tiger, I'll keep him in line!"
"Says the biggest flirt I've ever met!" she quips.
"I'll do all the flirting! He won't have a chance!"

"Not that I'd ever want to," I add.

"It'll be fine Kella," Calum adds in. "It'll go quicker than you think. He's your Edward, and we all know how that turns out!"
"I promise not to make this 'New Moon'" she says. I'm so lost now!
"You damn well better not! Or I'll Victoria your ass!" What the hell are they talking about?? Damn Twilight! But it put a smile on her face, so that's all that matters.

"I'm gonna miss you Kels," Luke says while hugging her.
"I'm gonna miss you too Lukey. Keep these guys in line, okay?"
"Of course. You can always call or text or Skype me if you need to, ok?"

My mates then make their way closer to the gate, saying goodbye to Mali and leaving Kelly and I to our dreaded goodbye. I instantly take her in my arms and hold her tight. She starts to cry and it is tearing me apart. I pull back and lean down so I'm at eye level with her. I kiss her crying eyes, then press my lips to hers, our mouths and tongues instantly in synch with each other, both of us pouring out our pain into it.

"Last call for Flight 2204 to London England"

We pull apart, both in tears. "I love you more than anything in the world Kelly Becker."
"I love you with my whole heart and soul Ashton Irwin!"
"You and me, babe."
"You and me."

I force myself to walk down the tunnel and turn around to see her collapsed on the floor crying, right as they close the doors.


I collapse to the floor and bury my head in my hands, allowing the tears to pour out of me. I am so afraid of what the next three months might bring, and I just hope I am strong enough to survive it without him. I hope we are strong enough to survive three months apart.

A few minutes later, Mali picks me up off the floor, pulling me into a hug. We must've stood there like that for at least 15 minutes, before she pulls away and takes my hand. "Let's go home Kel."

I lock myself in my room for the rest of the day, ignoring all pleas from Mali to come out. I just need this one day to myself.


I connect to the airplanes WiFi and text Mali to check in on Kelly. Ashton has been staring out the window the entire past 5 hours and I really hope Kelly is doing better than he is.

-To Mali
How's Kelly holding up?
-To Cal
Been locked in her room since we got home.
-To Mali
Keep an eye on her for me?
-To Cal
Of course. I love her too.
How's Ashton?
-To Mali
Staring out the window, silent, since he sat down
-To Cal
They'll be okay. They're meant for each other.

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