18. Luke's

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"My dad seems to like you!" she says. I'm laying on my bed talking to Kelly. We've been on the phone for the past two hours since she got home. At times it's been just silence, but not the awkward kind. The kind of silence where we're happy just knowing the other is there on the other end of the line.

"My mum loves you already!" That makes her giggle. I miss that sound.

"Your sister doesn't," she says with a sigh.

"She doesn't know you, give her time. I still can't believe she invited Brandi. I wanted to kill her! She just has this false illusion of us getting back together and it's never gonna happen." I probably shouldn't have said that last bit. Being so far apart, I know it's going to eat at her now. "Kel?"
"It's never gonna happen, okay? I love you, and only you. You're my everything."
"I still have the ring on," she says. "Mel asked about it. I could only tell her it's an inside thing. She didn't like that much."
"I have mine on too. Every time I look at it, it reminds me of you."

There's another long, comfortable silence. God I miss her.

"I hate to do this Kel, but I gotta go. Liz, Luke's mum, is having a barbeque for us and we need to get over there."

"Oh, okay. Have fun and tell them all I said hi and I miss them!" The sadness in her voice is evident and it's absolutely heart wrenching.

"I will. I love you Kelly."
"I love you too Ashton."

It's only been a few hours without her and it hurts so much. How are we going to be able to survive this?


This hurts so much. I hate it. My phone dings with a text from Melanie, asking me to come out to a party later tonight.

-To Mel-
Thanks but not tonight. Not feeling it.

I'm not. I have no interest in going out and getting drunk tonight.

-To Lukey-
Have fun tonight! Wish I could be there. Miss you guys!
-To Kel-
Then come! Surprise Ash!

He texts me his address and suddenly I'm excited! I enter the address into Google and see it's only a 45 minute drive. I run downstairs and almost smack into my mom. Oh yeah, I haven't even seen her since I got home. She was at the store when we got home and I've been on the phone with Ashton ever since.

"Oh, hi Mom!" I tell her, giving her a hug. She looks startled, but I understand why. Ever since everything with Jimmy, I haven't voluntarily hugged her.

"Hello to you too, Kelly! How was Colorado?"

"Amazing! I loved it!" Dad walks in with a smile on his face. "Um, Dad?" I'm not used to asking permission to do things, but for some strange reason, I want Dad's permission tonight. "Um, Luke's mom is having a barbeque tonight, and he invited me to go. Do you mind if I do? I'll leave you the address. Its only 45 minutes and I PROMISE no drinking. Mel asked me to go to a party, but I'd rather go to Luke's! Please?"

I've been rambling and when I finally stop, I look at my mom and dad. They both look absolutely stunned. My mom gets a huge smile and says, "Only if you tell me about this Luke!"
Dad chimes in, "Oh, no Diane. She's going to go see Ashton!" As usual, I can't stop the smile from forming on my face at Ashton's name. Mom's eyes light up.

"So, yeah, Mom. Ashton's my boyfriend. I met him on the bus! He's great! You'd love him! He's so sweet! And he's in this band with Luke and Calum and Michael. They're like my best friends, I swear. It's funny because Cal and I hated each other in the beginning but not anymore. And Mikey was the biggest flirt until Ash and I got together. Now he's like the big brother I never had. And Luke, well, he's just really cool, and he has a habit of picking me up over his shoulder everywhere, and.... And I'm rambling again!" I laugh at myself.

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