23. Get the f*** out

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The alarm sounds way too early in the morning. I swear we've only been asleep a few hours. But I'm definitely not going to complain. Having no time (or noise) restraints made for an amazing night last night.

"Kelly, it's time to get up, babe." She grumbles into my chest and I chuckle. "I know. I could stay just like this all day, but you have to get to work." That gets her moving.

"Thank you Ashton. Last night, all of yesterday, was just, wow. Thank you!" Her morning voice is such a turn on, and I have to keep my focus on her words.

"Anything for you love." After a few minutes, she finally gets up to get a shower and gets ready for work. I really want to join her in the shower, but that will make her late for work, so I restrain myself.

We check out of the hotel and start the drive back to Hot Topic. "Hey Ash?" she asks me. "Can you find out what your mom told my parents? The last thing I need right now is to be caught in another lie when I'm trying to make things right with my parents."
"Absolutely babe."

When I drop her off at work, she takes her overnight bag and tosses it in her car before heading inside. I know I told the guys I'd see them this morning, but I need to check in with mum first. A nap wouldn't hurt either.

When I get home, I ask mum what she told the Becker's and then texted Kelly.

-To my everything
Mum said u stayed in my guest bedroom across the hall from her room last night
-To my Ash
Thanks Babe. Luv u! xx
-To my everything
Luv u more! xxx

After sending the text, I lay down and drift off into a deep sleep.


Work went slow with Tracy relentlessly asking questions about Ashton. I definitely don't mind talking about him, it just makes me miss him more.

Dad asks me about our evening when I get home and then again at dinner I'm asked again. Sometimes I wish I could just keep these memories for myself and not have to share them with everyone around me. But that's what keeps inspiring me to work harder, so I can move out on my own.

After dinner, I tried to call Ashton, but he just texted me that he's at band practice so it'll be a few hours before he can call me back. I'm not upset in the least, the band is his dream and I love seeing them all so happy.

I haven't heard from Melanie since I saw her at Starbucks, so I'm surprised when she shows up at my bedroom door.

"What do you want Mel?" I know I'm being really short with her, but I am sick of her shit.

"Well hello to you, too! What the fuck happened to you in Colorado?"

"What do you mean, 'what happened to you'?"

"You came back a totally different Kelly. He changed you, and I don't like it." I can't help but laugh. I know I changed, but I changed into a better person.

"Why's that Mel? Because I won't go out drinking and breaking the law anymore? Because I realized there are better things in life than alcohol and parties? Or because I found someone that I can be myself around, that cares about me more than himself?"

"Listen to you Kelly! You've put your entire life into some guy you've known for two months, who's probably in bed with some other chick right now. He's going to forget about you, then where will you be? Alone because you're pushing away the only real friends you have!"

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