19. Jimmy

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I don't want her to leave. I am so deep into her that I don't know what to do anymore. I am miserable if I'm away from her for 5 minutes! I keep playing with the plastic ring on my finger, it's already becoming a habit. That's just how much I think about her. I don't think this is healthy. I need to learn how to live without her 24/7. I just got really spoiled in Colorado. Be strong Ashton, you can do this!


I don't want to leave. I had so much fun tonight. But I know I need to. I am trying to make things right with my mom, and the first step is following the house rules. Maybe when things are better between us, I can think about moving closer, on my own. That means I need a job. That's what I'm going to do tomorrow! Go get a job and save up money so I can move closer to Ashton!

"I love you so much Kel. I wish you didn't have to leave." he whispers in my ear. We're at my car saying goodbye, but procrastinating until the last minute.

"I love you so much Ash!" I connect our lips again, shorter than I wish I could, before I pull away. "I need to go though. I need to make things right with Mom and Dad."

He gives me one last peck before opening the door for me. I climb in and tell him goodbye as I pull away.

I surprise Mom and Dad both when I walk in the door 2 minutes before midnight, my curfew.

"Kelly? What are you doing home?"

I was expecting them to be surprised, but not to this extent! I wasn't that bad was I? "Curfew's midnight, right?" I ask.

"Well yeah, but," Mom starts.

"Mom, look. I know I was really messed up before I left. I see that now. But I don't want to be that person anymore. I am happier now than I've ever been. I want to make things right again."

"I like Ashton more and more every minute," my dad mumbles. I don't think I was meant to hear that, but it puts a smile on my face regardless. Mom is still speechless, but a smile is on her face.

"I'm heading to bed, if that's okay. Oh and Mom?" She finally snaps out of it. "Can you send me those pictures Anne sent you?"

"Absolutely Kel. Goodnight."

"Thanks! Goodnight!"

As soon as I get in my room, I text Ashton that I made it home, and go wash my face and brush my teeth. I change into one of Ashton's tees and right before I climb into bed, I take a quick selfie to send him. I forgot to thank him for them earlier.

-To my Ash
Thank you for the tees babe! Now I can sleep and at least feel like you're somewhat with me! *pic incl*
-To my everything
I love the way you look in my clothes!
-To my Ash
I love the way you look without them on
-To my everything
Damn, I need a cold shower now!
-To my Ash
One day I'll join ya!
-To my everything
Ugh! Off to shower now. Have a good sleep babe. Love you! xx
-To my Ash
Lol goodnight baby! Luv u too xx

I put my phone on the charger on the tower speaker and turn on Endlessly on repeat, low volume of course, then climb into bed. I use his hoodie, which still smells like him as a cuddle pillow and drift off to sleep.

I wake up early the next morning out of habit and check my phone. I send Ash a good morning text telling him to call me as soon as he wakes up. The sole reason is because I want to hear his morning voice. I walk into the kitchen and realize I'm the first one up. I start up some French toast for myself when my phone rings. I smile when I see it's Ashton.

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