7. Stupid Lamb

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I've been tossing and turning all night. I can't get her out of my head. The more I think about her, the more I realize I don't want this to just be a summer thing. She's more than just a hot body. There's something about her that makes me long to get to really know her.

"Would you please stop and go to sleep, mate?" Shit. I didn't mean to wake up Luke!
"Sorry." Maybe if I go for a walk I'll get tired enough to sleep. I climb out of the tent and stare into the ashes of the fire pit.


I can't sleep. I've been thinking all night about Ashton. I really want to get to know him, but I am scared that this will just be a summer fling. I know that Mel and I joked around about it, but for me, it was just that - a joke. I had what could be considered a fling, and I dont want that ever again. God I wish I could just sleep it off. Ugh this is frustrating. I need to take a walk. I climb out of the tent and that's when I see him, just standing there looking into the fire pit.

"Ashton?" I say quietly. The last thing I want to do is wake anyone else up. He turns and looks at me in surprise.
"What are you doing up?" we both say at the same time. I chuckle, "Couldn't sleep"
"Me either." He pauses briefly then asks, "Want to go for a walk?" I nod.

We walk down to the beach and just walk for a while in silence until he finally asks, "Why were you embarrassed about seeing me naked? All you saw was my butt." Oh boy. Well, if I want this to go anywhere, I need to be open and honest!

"I wasn't embarrassed by seeing you naked. I was embarrassed by my reaction to it... I like you, Ash. More than I probably should. And I don't know how to feel about that right now."

He takes my hand, lacing our fingers together, then begins. "The guys and I, we have a band. It started out as something just for for fun, but it's become more than that. At least to me. Calum got really fed up and threatened to quit. This is my last chance to save the band. And then I met you. I like you Kelly. A lot. I really want to get to know you better. I just, I just don't know how to balance it out."

That's why Michael said Ashton practically forced them to come. To try to save their band. And he's afraid I'm going to interfere.

"It sounds like neither of us know what to do right now. I say we just take it one day at a time. One hour at a time. I don't know." I don't. I'm not sure what to think about all this right now. The only thing I can focus on right now is the lightning coursing through my body from his touch.


One day at a time, one hour at a time. Right! Like that's possible when I just want to feel her lips on mine. Not the best idea. Take it slow. I just need to find a balance. Maybe I just need some time with the guys to figure this out.

She tries to hold back a yawn, but it still sneaks through, so I lead us back to the camp. I walk with her to her tent and after she unzips the door, she looks up at me. I cannot seem to look away, her eyes are the most beautiful green I've ever seen. Finally I force myself to look away.
"Goodnight Kelly." "Goodnight Ash," she says back. The way she calls me Ash makes my stomach flip. She climbs into her tent and zips it up. I should go back to my tent, but I'm not ready to sleep just yet and I don't want to wake Luke up again. Instead, I sit down near the fire pit. When I told her goodnight, I was set on putting all my focus into my band mates, but now my hand feels empty without her touch.


He hasn't gone back in his tent yet. I want to say something. But I can't. We're both in a state of not knowing what we want. We're both torn between seeing where things lead us and not wanting to try. I meant what I said about one day/one hour at a time. This hour says to keep my distance. So that's what I'll do. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

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