17. Goodbye

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My heart hurts at the thought of leaving her. I know we're only an hour apart, but I just want to hold her all day, every day.

While she was asleep, I was texting with Mum about her. She's excited to get to meet her, but I'm most worried about Lauren. She still adores Brandi, and has always hoped that we'd get back together. I've asked Mum to talk to her for me; she said she'd try to get through to her.

I love how excited Kelly got over the tweet. She is so proud of us, it's plain to see. Brandi hated the band because it took time and attention away from her, but Kelly has been so supportive from the beginning. She worries more about us than herself! How did I get so lucky? And to think that I never would've met her if Calum hadn't threatened to leave the band! Everything happens for a reason, that's obvious!

We just stopped for dinner, and are getting off the bus. Kelly starts giggling, but I don't know why. I look at her questioningly.

"The last time I had a cigarette was two months ago, right after the bus stopped for dinner, because you four were driving me crazy! I had such a crush on you, and Mikey was hitting on me, Cal was a royal pain in my ass! Look at us now!"

I smile at her as I wrap my arm around her waist. I am happier now than I've ever been in my life.

We get a table for five and sit around the table, joking around as we always do. It's in this moment that I decide that I am going to take her on a real date after we get home. I have to plan something amazing. She deserves nothing less.

We get back on the bus after dinner and settle back into our seats. This bus ride is going by way too quickly. Probably because none of us want it to end. You can feel the dread in the air around all five of us, especially Kelly and I. We all are talking and joking around for awhile before we all start getting tired. Everyone puts headphones in and drifts off to sleep except Kelly and I. I think we both want to take advantage of every last minute we have together.

I put up all the armrests on the row. Being in the back row, it's a solid row of five seats, so I can actually lay down across all of them. I lay Kelly on top of me and she lays her head on my chest, right on my heart where she will always remain. We lay there in silence, her hand on my chest, while I play with her hair. How I fell so deep in love with this girl, I'll never know, but I wouldn't want it any other way. She gradually drifts off to sleep and I keep playing with her hair. She has become my world and I can't ever imagine a life without her in it. Eventually I fall asleep as well, fingers still in her hair.


I wake up to the sound of a camera shutter. This is total déjà vu as I look up to Mikey. "You need to send me both of those Mikey!" I tell him. He nods as he returns to his seat. A minute later, my phone buzzes with the pictures he sent.

-To Tiger-
Here ya go. Everything will work out sis. There's no way it can't.

I can't help but smile. I love these guys!

"Attention ladies and gentlemen! We are arriving at the first stop in Altoona. Please gather your things and prepare to depart." The driver says over the intercom.

Ashton stirs awake, smiling as he looks into my eyes. "Good morning beautiful," he says. I am seriously going to miss that morning voice.
"Good morning babe." I place my lips on his and don't want to move them, but the bus comes to a stop, and I know I have to.

We stand up, gather our backpacks and I file off the bus with my four guys. Out of the corner of my eye I see Jimmy doing a double take, but I don't give it another thought.

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