12. The Truth

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After my shower, I get dressed and put Ashton's hoodie back on. It's so big on me that it swallows me up. That's why I've been wearing it. Well, that and because it smells like him. Even though I'm certain our relationship is over after this, it still comforts me. I feel like I'm in his arms again.

I make sure I'm all hidden before I step out of the shower house and I keep my head down, watching the ground as I quickly make my way back to my tent. However by not looking in front of me, I end up running right into someone. I start to stumble backwards, the hood falling off my head, but I'm caught by two strong arms with a familiar smell that I love. Ashton. Shit. I wasn't ready for this. I look up at his hazel eyes, hoping for the strength to speak, when I hear another voice from behind him.

"Well, well! Look who it is! Moved on to your next victim, I see!" Fuck! This is exactly why I've been staying in my tent. Without thinking, I bury my head into Ashton's chest. I wish I could just disappear. Until I hear the distinct sound of a fist hitting someone's face.

I look up and see Jimmy holding his jaw, Calum ready to strike again. Oh my god. Did Calum really punch him? For me? I become overly aware of Ashton's arms holding me protectively and I don't want to move. But I have to. I can't let Calum get in trouble for me. I've caused him enough trouble as it is. I break free from Ashton's arms and run to Calum, grabbing his fist.

"Calum don't! He's not worth it. I'm not worth it. Think about the band!" He stops and looks at me like I'm crazy, but lowers his arm.

"Michael, take Calum to clean up his hand." I tell him with an authority I've never had before. I don't know where this came from, but it feels good to be in control for once. Michael surprisingly does what I said, leaving me face to face with a smirking Jimmy.

"Already making your rounds, I see Kel!" I almost wish I had let Calum hit him again. I feel Ashton's arms around my waist, and I turn around in surprise. Luke is standing right next to him. I turn back to Jimmy. "Leave Jimmy. Now!" He looks from me to Ashton to Luke and turns back towards the lake, storming away. I know him well enough to know this is just the beginning.

Ashton removes his hands and turns away, going into his tent. I stand there stunned for a minute before I can move. I look at Luke and he nods once, giving me permission to go into the tent after Ashton.


I am so confused about what just happened. When Kelly buried herself into me, it was the exact same way as she looked buried into Michael the other night. But I got the sense of fear, which I really don't understand. Who the fuck was that guy? She obviously knows him. What the hell did he mean "next victim"? What in the world would make Calum punch him like that? I don't even remember seeing him around until the other day.

My thoughts are stopped short when Kelly comes in the tent. "Ash?" I didn't realize how much I've missed hearing my name come off her tongue.

"What the fuck was that about Kelly?" My confusion, mixed with my sudden desire to hold her again is coming out in the form of anger.

Her eyes are showing a mixture of apprehension, fear and regret when she speaks, "He's my ex."

I was not expecting that, or the tears. Before I realize what I'm doing, I have her in my lap, wrapping my arms around her tightly.

"The other night, at the fire, it's not what you think. The guide was introducing the new arrival while you were in the bathroom. It was him. I hate him. I panicked and tried to hide. Mikey just happened to be the closest. When you came out of the bathroom, I saw the betrayal in your eyes. I knew how it looked. I wanted to just run, but damn buddy system, I couldn't. I hated myself for hurting you, and for being a coward. So I grabbed Calum to go with me. If any one of your friends would give me the hate I deserve, it's Cal." The tears have stopped, but I can still feel her shaking. Calum's words are echoing in my mind. It's not my story to tell. I want to ask her so many questions, but I keep quiet, letting her continue.

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