64. St Louis

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The bus pulled in to the hotel about an hour later. We take in our bags and check in then head upstairs to our rooms.

"Are you staying with me or with Ashton tonight?" Michael asks.

"I'm staying with my boyfriend tonight." I answer with a smile.

"Boyfriend again, eh? It's about time!" The smile on his face reaches his eyes and I can tell by the look in his eyes that he really is happy for me.

When we enter our room, we put our bags down and the awkwardness kicks in right away. This may not have been a good idea after all.

"Um, Ash?"


"Would you be upset if I shared the room with Mikey instead? I'm sorry, it's just - "

"It's okay Kel. Honest. It's not a big deal. I just have one thing to ask first."

"Sure, what is it?"

"Will you go on a date with me today?" I can't help but smile.

"Of course!" He grins widely.

"Then I'll pick you up in an hour!" He takes his bag and walks next door. A minute later there's a knock on the door. I open it up and let Mikey inside.

""You alright Tiger? Why'd you change your mind?" He asks after setting his bag down and sitting down on the edge of the bed he's claimed as his. I walk over to him and sit on his lap.

"I don't know exactly. It just felt really awkward. The last time we shared a hotel room was a romantic date night right after we got back from Colorado. And I just, do you think it's moving too quickly?"

He's stumbling now. I probably shouldn't have asked that question.

"I.. Uh... Ok.  First of all, if you're not okay with it, it's too quick. If you're happy with where things stand, then it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. Second, um, I don't know how far you've taken things physically, nor do I really care to know, unless you really want to tell me. Then I'll listen, I guess. But the thing is Tiger, if you're not comfortable with it, don't do it."

"Thank you Mikey. What would I do without you?"

"You would never find fulfilment in your life because I'm the most amazingest, bestest, awesomest person in the world!" I laugh at him. Such a typical Michael thing to say! Cocky, stupid and fun all in one!


"What happened? Why did you and Mike switch rooms?" Luke asks me after Michael leaves to go to Kelly's room.

"Honestly, I'm not sure. I didn't make her explain. But she seemed uncomfortable. I don't want to push her, ya know?"

"That's probably a good idea. You know, she could be testing you," he calmly states.

"Testing me? Why? How? What do you mean?"

"Think about it Ash. This isn't the first time you didn't let her explain. You over react Ashton. And you make it big. Her hugging Mike in Colorado, you didn't talk for three days. The pictures Tracy posted on twitter, you quit talking to her until Calum finally got it through your head. Not to mention how you quit talking to her because Mikey broke it off with Tracy and Mali had to call Cal to get ahold of you! Every single time, you quit talking to her. Shut her out. And someone else, someone other than Kelly, was the one to get it through your thick skull! The fact is, mate, you need to relax. Don't over think. Don't over react. You're lucky she's giving you another chance. Most people wouldn't by now."

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