20. Meet the family

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Its only been a little over 12 hours since I saw him last and it feels like eternity. He looks and smells amazing. How did I get this lucky? After a heated kiss, my dad clears his throat. Right. We pull apart and he giggles, taking my hand in his and I lead him inside, shutting the door with my foot.

"It's nice to see you again Mr Becker. Thank you for having me over." He is so polite to my dad and I know it's winning him brownie points.

"Good to see you, too, Ashton. You kids have fun, and remember what I said Kelly!" I roll my eyes at him, "Yes Dad, I know!" and he heads upstairs to his office.

"You want a tour? There's not much to it, but I can show you around real quick if you want." He nods his head and I show him around the house, making sure to keep my bedroom door open like Dad requested when I show him my room. The temptation is really strong in here, so I take him back to the living room where I let him choose a movie. I love him even more when he chooses the Bourne Identity series. He sits down on the couch with his back to the arm, and one leg spread across the cushions. I position myself between his legs, resting my back against his chest, before he brings his other leg up, trapping me in his grasp.

"I've missed this," he whispers in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. "Me too." He kisses my neck below my ear and I have to bite my lip to stop the moan that wants to come out.


Ashton and I burst into laughter. It takes me a few minutes to regain my breath before I can speak.

"Kenny! This is my boyfriend Ashton. Ash, my brother Kenny."

"Ah yes, Mr. Minecraft! Nice to meet you bud!" Well that just made Kenny's eyes light up! How is he so good at handling my family?

Kenny says hello then continues into the kitchen for a snack, returning back to his room without another word. For Kenny, that's a positive sign.

We go back to watching our movie, this time with Ashton's chin resting on top of my head. We've made some popcorn and are in the middle of Bourne Supremacy when Mark walks in the door. By the looks of it, he was out with his friends playing basketball. He freezes when he sees Ashton and bitterly asks, "Who the hell are you?" Mark and I may not get along well at all, we usually just ignore each other, but he is very protective of me when he needs to be.

"Hi, you must be Mark. Kelly's told me a lot about you. I'm Ashton, her boyfriend." Mark looks to me with confusion so I explain.
"I met him Colorado. We've been together for a little over a month now." That sounds better than saying almost two months, considering I was gone for two months and just got back.

"Oh," Mark says, "I'm going to shower. Later Kel." I sigh at his exit. He's going to drill me, or Ashton, with questions later. He can be worse than my dad sometimes.

"Only one left is Mom. Let's get back to Matt Damon!" I giggle, putting a piece of popcorn in his open mouth. This has been a great day, just chilling out watching movies with Ashton. We both seem happiest when we aren't doing anything special. Just being together is all that we need.

After Bourne Ultimatum ends, I turn off the TV, but we stay on the couch holding each other. I turn around, straddling his legs, and start kissing his neck when he lightly pushes me away. His voice is a bit raspy when he tells me "You may not want to do that right now Kel," as he looks down and I see the beginnings of my effect on him. I start laughing and turn back around just as my mother walks in the door. Perfect timing!

"Hi Mom!"


Well, that's one way to fix the semi hard on I was starting to get! No problems now! Kelly looks down quickly, realizing I am okay now and stands up, grabbing my hand and leads me over to her mom. She looks so much like Kelly, except with shorter brown hair. I start to wonder if that's Kelly's natural hair color or not when I am snapped to attention by my name.

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