42. Armed robbery

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Morning comes way too soon, regardless of how early we went to bed. I really don't want to do this. My dad woke Mikey up for us. I have to admit I'm curious how. My dad has some interesting and really annoying techniques! That's the ex-military showing through.

Once everyone's ready, we pile into two cars and drive to the courthouse. No one ate breakfast, even Michael, because our nerves are too high right now. I sit between Ashton and Michael, and hold both of their hands as it starts. I need them both through this.

Day one sucked really bad. I cried. And cried. The opening statements present the facts of the case and the vision of my bedroom came into my head, making me run off to the bathroom to throw up. My mom had to come in and drag me out. Ashton was waiting for me and took me into his arms, calming me down. After a few minutes, I was able to go back inside. My parents and Mark were the only three called up today. Melanie's attorney picked them apart, pointing out the things they didn't know for absolute certain. Now I know what I have to look forward to tomorrow. In a way, I'm glad that I know what to expect, but at the same time, it scares the crap out of me. Melanie and I have a very bad past together. We did a lot of illegal stuff that I'm going to have to admit to. Stuff that Mom and Dad don't even know of. Ashton knows that I did a lot of bad shit, but not all the dirt I'm sure will be brought up tomorrow. Now I am starting to wish he wasn't here.

After court is recessed for the day, I talk to the DA about what is allowed to be mentioned of our past. There's a lot that's sealed and he said that he'll do his best to keep the past out of it as much as possible, but how much is acceptable is up to the judge.

Mom, Dad and Mark went home already, so Michael and Ashton are the only two waiting for me. When we leave the courthouse, I ask if I can drive. Ashton looks at me skeptically, until I tell him that there's a place I want to go for a little bit. A hidden spot I used to go to get away. He agrees and I take them to the church parking lot. They both look confused until I start walking on a hidden path in the woods behind the church. A few minutes into the woods, there's a large boulder that I climb onto and sit down. Ashton and Michael climb up onto the boulder with me, and I lean my head onto Ashton's shoulder.

"How did you find this place?" Ashton asks.

"A long time ago, when I was like 8 or so, my friend Kate lived in the neighborhood on the other side of these woods. Her parents used to fight a lot, and she'd get scared and run off into these woods. One night, I was spending the night and her parents started fighting again. She brought me here to get away. She liked it here because it was quiet and she felt safe, being so close to the church. She felt closer to God here. I was the only person she ever showed this place to. Her parents got divorced a year later and she moved to Philadelphia. I used to come here sometimes to think, to get away, just like Kate did. I've never shown this place to anyone, even Mel."

Ashton wraps his arm around me and I know I have to warn them.

"I know I've told you that Mel and I used to get into a lot of trouble, and that I have a police record. It's sealed, now that I'm 18, but there's no guarantee how much the judge is going to allow, as far as questioning me on our past goes. There's a lot I never told you. I did a lot of fucked up shit. A lot of illegal stuff, most of which we never got caught for, but some we did. We were mean, we didn't care about others. We were drunk half the time, but the other half, we were just horrible people. When I met you Ash, I suddenly realized I didn't want to be that person anymore. I was, am, ashamed of the things I did, the person I was. And I'm really scared that you're going to hate me, you're not going to look at me the same way after tomorrow."

"Kelly, your past is not who you are anymore, I know that, Mikey knows that, your parents know that. Nothing you can say, Kelly, can make me love you any less."

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