36. Media Production

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No. I refuse to believe it. There's no way Tracy had a part in Kenny's murder. She was already friends with Kelly! She wouldn't do that to her. Would she? I want to ask her about it, but how? If I ask her directly, I put Kelly at risk, and she's been through enough as it is!! But I really like Tracy. Fuck!

"Do you think she had a part in Kenny's... murder?" I hate asking, but she knows Melanie better than I do, and she sees Tracy almost every day. Which reminds me, why isn't she at work? I'll have to ask her.

"I honestly don't know Mikey," she sighs. "It wasn't until the past few weeks that I started questioning her behavior. Just little things that reminded me of Mel. At first I thought I was just being paranoid. And then yesterday morning it all just hit me. I really hope she didn't. But, with how many stones there were, and the size of them..."

"Wait, Kelly, you saw it, your room?" Ashton asks as surprised as I am.

"Uh, yeah," she answers, looking down at the floor. "The night of the funeral. That's why I had to leave. It made me sick to my stomach."

"But," Ashton starts, "when we got home," Oh please don't say what I think you're going to Ashton please!

"I distracted myself with Green Day in the car, Ash. It turned into need."

"Okay! Guys! I'm still here! Remember me? I don't need to hear about your sexual needs Kelly, please?!"

"Uh, sorry Mikey." She's blushing now.

"Back to the topic at hand, please. You were saying?"

"Right. With the amount and the size of the stones, there had to have been a lot of people! I can't see it lasting more than a few seconds with my family there to hear the window shatter. I just don't know. I don't know if we'll ever know that one for sure, Mikey."

Her words are a mixture of disturbing and comforting at the same time, but the look in her eyes says more than her words ever could. She thinks Tracy was a part of it, and she's afraid. I can tell she's trying to make it easier for me, she doesn't want to hurt me. This is why I love this girl! Always looking out for everyone else before herself.

"Tiger, please don't sugar coat this. For once, tell me YOUR thoughts, not what you think I want to hear."

She sighs, then says,"I think she did. And it scares the hell out of me Mikey!"

"And that's why you're not at work?" She nods in response then adds, "I needed to talk to Ash. I'm scared and I don't know what to do. Those pictures being posted from Mel's phone means either Mel is out on bail, or Tracy's doing shit for her. Either situation is terrifying. She killed my brother, am I next? I was obviously her target."

"But Tracy knew you were moving that day. Maybe she wasn't part of it!" There's always hope, right?

"I hope you're right! Unless it was just meant as a threat, because she knew I wouldn't be in there. A threat of things to come." Fuck. There's three more weeks until the trial, and another six weeks before we get home. We all learned that night just how quickly things can go from great to deadly, literally.

"We have to do something, Tiger!" The question is what.


I'm really glad that Mikey's taking this so seriously. I was worried that he'd take Tracy's side. But at the same time, I hate worrying him, and Ashton. What can they do? They're on the other side of the world!

"There isn't anything you guys can do. I'll talk to my dad, see if has any ideas. I think it's time to transfer stores."

"Absolutely Kelly," Ashton says. "Have your dad call Tom. It's possible to have the transfer start tomorrow, I think!"

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