70. Park

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"Oh my god Michael! I love you!" I cover my mouth with my hand and feel the tears flowing out of my eyes.

"Finally, you've arrived," someone says. "We'd like to thank everyone for coming. I'd also like to thank Mr Michael Clifford for his generous donation to be able to make this happen. Mr Clifford?" The man says, letting Michael speak.

"Thanks for coming out. As you know, my name is Michael Clifford. This is Miss Kelly Becker. Her brother was ten years old when he was killed out of hate and revenge. That's why I wanted to dedicate this new playground to the Becker family, to Kenny, in his remembrance. As a way to remind you every day that hate and revenge are never the answer. Kelly, if you will do the honors of cutting the ribbon?"

I'm in tears. Full blown crying and I don't care who sees me like this. I take the giant scissors and cut the ribbon that's wrapped around the swing set.

"Welcome to the new Becker Park!" the man says. I'm assuming he's some city official or something, I don't know. As the crowd disperses, I fall to my knees in front of the sign labeling this as Becker Park. Michael just stands behind me in silence while I cry.

When I turn back around, I give him the biggest hug ever.

"Will you take a picture please? I need to send this to my mom and dad." I ask him as I stand next to the sign. He takes a few pictures and I hug him again as tight as I can.

He holds me and gives me a quick peck on the lips. "I love you little sis!" and smiles.

"I love you too! Thank you for this! This is.... thank you!" I can't even begin to process my emotions right now.


She is so overwhelmed right now, as I figured she would be. I had talked to her dad about this before we even left for tour, just to make sure they were okay with it. I wanted to do something special for her. I am not a religious person, but there is not a doubt in my mind that Kenny is watching over Kelly, and all of us, making sure everything is okay. I know he's smiling right now.

I take her by the hand and lead her to the swings, and she sits in one, swinging lightly, lost in her thoughts. I take another picture of her like this and I just watch her.

After ten minutes she looks at me and smiles.

"You ready to go?" I ask. She nods her head and we walk back to the waiting car. We stop at a drive thru for lunch before heading back to the arena. She hasn't said much, but her smile says enough.

Right before we arrive, she asks me to send her the pictures I took, so I text them to her.

"Your parents know about this, by the way. I talked to them about it at Christmas." I tell her as we are walking inside. That took her by complete surprise. She hugs me again and buries her head into my chest.

"Thank you so much Mikey. This means everything to me!" She kisses me on the cheek and then we turn to go back to the dressing room. And see Ashton standing there. He looks hurt. Really hurt. Oh god, don't do this again Ashton please.


"Your new drum kit is out on the stage now Ashton," I'm told. Yes! I can't wait! The past few shows I really beat my drums to hell and had to get new ones.

"Sweet! I'm going to go check them out!" I say as I walk out towards the stage. When I turn the corner, I spot Michael and Kelly. She's hugging him and her head is buried in his chest.

"Thank you so much Mikey. This means everything to me!" she says and kisses him on the cheek. I'm not going to lie. I don't like it. I'm fairly certain Michael has feelings for her beyond friends, and they've become extremely close. But I'm really trying not to over react. It takes every ounce of strength I have to stay planted here and not turn and run. They turn towards me and Michael looks afraid. Of what, I'm not sure. But Kelly rushes into my arms and I'm glad I stayed here. She hugs me tight and I can tell she's been crying.

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