51. Leaving for Tour

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"Six months?! Shit! When do you leave?" I look at the concert tickets and see they're only a month away. Shit shit shit.

"Two weeks," Luke answers for them again. 

"TWO WEEKS?!" No! This can't be happening. That's when I start classes. To go through my entire first semester without any of them is going to be hell! I can't control the tears right now. There's just too much pain, physically and emotionally.


This is what I was afraid of. I quickly take the CD from her and pass it to Mikey to put on, while I take Kelly into my arms.

"We have good news for you though angel," I tell her. She looks up at me through wet eyes as I continue. "While we're still on the east coast, you get to fly out to our shows on the weekends and learn how to do the sound mix!" There's that beautiful smile again. I nod to Mike to tell her the rest.

"And guess what else, Tiger? Over your spring break you get to come out, too. For the whole week! You even get to be on the bus with us! It'll be like Colorado all over again!" The light in Kelly's teary eyes speaks more than words ever could.

"I love you guys. All four of you, so much!" she finally says through the tears.

I grab my last present from Calum, he's been holding on to it for me. I give Kelly the small box and she gets a nervous look in her eye. She opens up the promise ring and I see her shoulders relax. She looks at me confused and I explain to her, "Kel, I know you're nervous about being apart for so long, but this is my promise that I love you and only you. And I WILL come back to you. You make my life complete. You make me happier than I've ever been! I love you Kelly Becker!"

"I love you too Ashton Irwin!" she says, as she presses her lips to mine. Our mouth move together in sync as usual until Charles clears his throat. Right. Her mum and dad. We separate and she looks at everyone again, saying again how much she loves everyone here.



"Do you have everything you need babe?" I'm helping Ashton pack for the next six months and it's not easy.

"I think so, I don't know. I've never been gone this long before. Shit why does it feel like I'm moving out?"

"Because you pretty much are," Anne weeps from the door. Her tears bring my own back again.

"Mum! Please don't cry, you'll make... Too late" he says looking from his mom to me. I know I'm going to see him in 5 days, but my nerves are shot. I'm starting college tomorrow and he's not going to be here. Again. I hate crying, I should be so happy for him, and I am. I'm just nervous. At least Tracy pleaded guilty so I don't have that mess to deal with. But I need to balance work and school without my support system around. Its going to be a long week.

"I'm sorry Ash. I really am super excited for you guys. This is an amazing opportunity for your career. I'm just being selfish.

"Five days angel. That's it. I'll see you Friday night at the airport." I nod as I wipe my tears away. "School will go great babe. And remember, Liz said if you need any help with your algebra, you can go ask her, and I put John's number in your phone for any music history or techy help you need. You have connections to the industry now," he winks at me, making me smile. "Any questions you have, you've got people to go to. You're going to do great, I know it!"

"You can come over any time Kelly," Anne adds. "We can miss my cookie monster together!"

"Muuuum! Please stop calling me that!" Ashton whines, causing Anne and I to both laugh.

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