26. All hell breaks loose

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I just finished my lunch break, and Tracy just left for hers, so I'm manning the store alone when I get a call from Mali.

"Guess what guess what?!?!" she screeches into my ear.

"I think half the mall can hear you Mali! What?"

"We got the apartment!!!" I can't help but screech myself, which makes Mali laugh. "I think half the mall can hear you!" I laugh with her.

"We can start moving in on Wednesday! That's two days Kella!" Yup, she's been talking to Cal quite a bit about me! "We can bring your stuff on your next day off. When is that? Saturday?"

"Yeah. It's my last week of training so it's still Monday through Friday. It'll change starting next week."

"Okay, well, call me after work and we'll figure it all out, okay?"

"You bet! Bye Mali!"
"Bye Roomie!"

I sit back down to fold the new shipment of tees we received when the last person I ever expected to see in Hot Topic walks in. I would ignore her if I could, but it's not possible. This is my job.

"Just to let you know, all the tee shirts are buy one get one 50% off." That's all I say as I continue folding. She lingers for awhile before something clicks in my head. Shit. It's Melanie, who has a habit of shoplifting! Fuck! I get up and walk over to her, asking if she needs help finding anything. I know her cues, her body language, where she hides merchandise, I've seen her do it way too many times. The fear in her eyes tells me everything I need to know.

"Hand it over Mel!"
"Hand what over Kelly? I don't know what you're talking about!" she feigns innocence.
"You don't even like the stuff in here, just put it back before I have to do something you'll really hate me for."
"Hmph I already do."
"Oh my god seriously Mel? Just because... You know what? You're not worth it," I say as I press the silent button for security.
"I'm so glad to be getting out of this town!" I mumble, but she heard me and freezes temporarily. I continue watching her and trying to give her a chance. "Put it back Melanie, I'm warning you." Security comes in and I point my head to her. They walk to her and grab ahold of her wrists.

"She's shoplifting. Check her sleeves." I tell them. Sure enough, nail polish, bracelets, and all types of jewelry are pulled out of her oversized sleeves - all the little trinkets that Hot Topic carries.
"You're going to regret this Kelly Becker! You're going to pay for this!" she yells, as the two security guards take her out of the store.

"Damn, I missed all the fun!" Tracy says, returning from her break. Yeah, fun. I am really glad to be moving, now more than ever. A vengeance filled Melanie is really bad, and bound to fuck up everything I've been working towards.

"So how do you know her? She obviously knows you. And how did you catch her?" Tracy asks. Shit, I need to be careful in how I say this. I can't outright say I've watched her shoplift from tons of stores, even helping her at times! That's never a good thing to share, especially working in retail.

"Oh um, yeah. She used to be my best friend. I was able to read her body language. She had fear in her eyes."

"Oh, that makes sense. She seems to hate you now, though."

"Yeah, we had a major falling out a few days ago. I'm just worried about what she's going to try to do to me. She's a very spiteful person. I'm just glad I'm moving in a few days." Oops, I didn't mean to say that! Again! Shit!


"Uh, yeah, my friend Mali and I are getting an apartment together. I'll still be staying here though. For a little while at least." At least now she thinks I'm moving locally, not an hour away.

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