'THE' Scene (Part2)

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I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling of my room, thinking about all of it. All that had happened, all that I had felt. Just the thought of it made my adrenalin rush even faster. We were close, we were so close.
"It was just a scene, we were acting. We are actors." I kept repeating this line again and again hoping that my heart would stop pounding so fast and my brain would stop running so wild but nothing was helping. I could still feel his touch on my skin. I could still feel his lips touch my neck. Well it was more than just a touch. I could still feel him all over me. Whenever I tried closing my eyes I'd see his face. He wasn't there yet he was everywhere.
"I have to go to shoot tomorrow early morning and I have to sleep! So sleep!" But NO! How could I sleep!?
I fell over him, he pulled me closer, put me down and lay over me gently, our eyes locked, he held my waist and his hand traveled all over my stomach.
Our fingers entangled together finding their own answers to the questions that every part of our bodies asked. He came closer to my face, none of us moved our eyes even for once, and then our hands clenched even tighter when he kissed my neck.
"Ooo shut up!" I jerked up from my bed and sat straight.
"That was not you but Nandini and that was not him but Manik!" Well I was trying everything that could make me forget all of this but nothing helped! Because I was Nandini and Parth was Manik! And it was the two of us there!

I took two pillows from the other side of my bed and sandwiched my head between them. My eyes shut so tight trying to block anything that comes in my head.
'I cannot escape this anymore.' I thought. 'Its been a so long I have been running from these feelings and these thoughts. I just can't do it anymore! I'm tired of avoiding him, avoiding these stupid stupid feelings!'
I did like him. I did from a very long time. I never accepted it earlier but I couldn't run from it anymore. I had to face it.

"Hi Parth! Listen" he was standing alone in front of his car and I ran toward him.
"Wow easy..relax.. Hi! kya hua?"
"Parth...vo.. Actually I wanted to say that.."
"Say what..?"
I took a deep breath in and prepared myself. "That I think I like you and I know you like me too!"
I said it. With all the power inside me I said it. But the reaction that I got wasn't the one I was expecting. He LAUGHED. He was laughing! Holding his stomach he almost fell on the ground.
I was shocked. My eyes got filled with water and I was just watching him laugh at me like a maniac with my mouth open and eyes over flowing. "Why are you laughing!" I asked him.
"Because you're a stupid woman" he held his stomach and got up trying to control his laughter, "who told you I feel the same?
I was shattered at that moment. I didn't know what to say.
"Go home Niti, you need some rest I guess." Saying that he walked away from me still laughing.

"Parth! PARTH!" I shouted and I got up with a jerk and heard my alarm go mad.
"Phew! Sapna.. Huh, it was a DREAM!" I sighed on relief. I was sweating. Literally. I was breathing heavily but I was so relived to know I was dreaming!
I took my phone and saw the time, "Shit! Its 8! Mujhe 9 tak.. Shit! I have to reach by 9!"
I got up from my bed and bathed, got ready and rushed out of my house.
I reached the sets around 9.30am and I had already recieved 20 calls from Charlie.
"I'm sorry I'm late! Kal raat I didn't sleep jaldi na.. So sorry!"
I told her.
"Its okay but we have our scene in 10 minutes, get dressed."
"Okay!" I saw Parth standing at a distance. He smiled at me. I smiled back.
After shooting for good 5-6 hours we were told that its a half day shoot for us because of some reasons that no on bothered to know. We were getting an off after ages! And we were happy.

"Okay so let's go out na! All of us!" Krissan said.
"Haan let's go out for a movie..? Lunch?" Ayaz said agreeing to Krissan.
"Lunch first I'm damn hungry. Subha se kuch nahi khaya hai." Because I had left the house in such a hurry that I didn't eat anything.
"Okay lunch pe chalte hai." Agreed rest.
"I know this amazing restaurant! Thoda dhoor hai lekin its fabulous! If Niti you could wait for sometime hum udhar chalte hai" charlie said getting all excited about that place.
"Haan I guess I can."
"Chalo then... And you Parth?" Tu nahi chalega kya?"
"Haan chalunga na chalo." And then we all went outside.
"Guys I forgot my phone inside I'll get it haan..." Said Parth.

Everyone found a seat for themselves in Abhishekh's car accept me, Parth, and Ayaz.
Ayaz decided to ride on his bike so obviously, I again had to go with Parth. Suddenly I heard that evil laugh he laughed in my dream.
"Niti tu Parth ke sath aa jana." Said Ayaz. Like I had any other option.
They all left while I was still waiting for Parth.

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