Give In, Please?

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Peeeka booo! Managed another part today itself. I personally like the latter part of this chapter <3 Happy reading!

After a long car drive from my place to DLF Saket, we finally reached. The car drive seemed even longer with the two chatter boxes in there. In front of me they were both discussing plans that how will they murder Tushar, like seriously!

"Parth, you stay miles away from me.. If people see us together, they'll make a fuss out it and we'll be all over the internet the next day! Please just, let me live in peace for once!" I did not want to be in the lime light again, that world wasn't for me to fit in now.

"I don't care." He said and got out of the car.

"Ah! I know this place I came here two months back.. Remember?" He had come to Delhi once, with his friends for a casual trip and what a mess it was!

"Stay away." I warned him as I walked away. And he followed.

"OMG! PARTH SAMTHAAN!" We heard a group of girls screaming and running towards us.

"Shit. I told you. Di.. Get me out of here.." I looked at Parth, "happy shopping!" and gave him a sarcastic smile.

"Wait.. No!" He said but before he could stop me, I had already moved away.


Another group of girls and boys surrounded me in no time.

"PaNi together! Is this a dream!?"
"Omg! PaNi! I'll faint!"
"Maniiikkkkkkkkk I love youuuu!" "MaNan!"

There were people shooting and hooting and going crazy! They crowded around the whole place!
"Guys please! He's not here with me. Please! Excuse me, I have to go!"but could I be audible in that massive crowd that gathered around us?

"Relax! Relax! Guys, I love you all too! But just right now I have to go please!" Parth too tried to walk out but he's PARTH SAMTHAAN! The MANIK MALHOTRA! People won't let him go ever!

"One selfie!"
"One autograph!"
"One Dance with you.. Please!"
"One PaNi dance! Please please please!"

The crowd went mad and it was impossible to escape that. Being a public figure has its own disadvantages too. You cannot possibly shop, and with Parth around, you cannot even breathe! The crowd is mad! But thank god for security, after almost an hour of signing autographs, taking pictures, dancing with the fans, we finally could step inside the mall. Phew!

But the view in there was no different. Yet another crowd of people approached the two us and I couldn't handle the exhaustion.

"I'm getting exhausted!" I cried.

"Guys! Guys! Please! Please!! Give us some space! Please we're here but we cannot give pictures to all of you and we cannot sign all the autographs! We're here to shop!" He shouted to be audible. Luckily the crowd wasn't as big as it was outside so people did hear him but no one walked back.

"Are you guys dating!?"asked a voice from the crowd.

"Why did both of you leave KYY?" came another voice.

"What happened at Charlie's engagement!?"said another voice.

"Ugh! Parth! Maine kaha tha mat aana lekin tum!" I said in a low voice.

"Sab mere fans nahi hai yaha!"

After a long long long long struggle to get out of the crowd, we finally did. The mall authorities helped us.

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