The DAY (Part 1)

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Well days kept on passing by, the visit to the doctor became more frequent. I was in the 7th month of my pregnancy and the doctor had told me that I might have an premature delivery. Why? Well.. Surprise on the DAY! She said within the next month I should be expecting the DAY to come. My tummy bulged up a lot more than it does in any usual pregnancy. But well, I knew why.
Things were going great and smooth. Parth had been getting job offers because his grades in his finals were bang on! But he kept declining them. He said he wanted to be with me every minute of the pregnancy phase. Well, he was Parth Samthaan the famous actor not a famous architect yet.. And he didn't understand that people won't be waiting for him to come and accept the offer but he seemed to have blocked his brain entirely! I couldn't persuade him into this, I tried my level best though. I had just two places to be at, either at home or the hospital. I had been getting bored leading a monotonous life like that. Well as we were nearing the DAY, my mood swings had taken full control of me. I had weird urges, temptations, sometimes for food and the other times for him. Though he had managed well in keeping his hands off me and my bulging out tummy helped us maintain the distance too to some extent but we still cheated and took some time out for tasting each others lips daily. There one day when I suddenly had this craving...

"Parth..?" I shook him to wake him up from his deep sleep. "Parth..??" I tried again when my first attempt failed. "PARTH!" this time my voice was raised and I literally moved him with all the force in me.

"Kya.. Kya hua? Are you okay? Is the baby okay? Is the DAY here?" he jerked up and sat straight onto the bed, asking me everything without breathing even once in between.

"Haan vo... I'm not able to sleep." I said still lying on the bed calmly, watching him freak out. His scared expression changed into an annoyed one.

"Niti yaaar! You scared me! Are you crazy!?" He shouted wiping off the sweat that had formulated over his forehead because of the mini heart-attack I gave him.

"Sorrryyy" I said in a child-like manner. He lay down again on the bed and I placed my head over her chest.

"Parthh.." I called him again while my fingers did their dance over his T-shirt near the chest region.

"Hmm..?" He said.

"I want to eat something.." I said in a light tone.

"What? At this hour? Time dekho..." he reached for the phone kept on the side table and checked the time.. "Its 1.12 in the night.." he said looking at me.

"Haan toh main kya karoon tumhara baby tumpe gaya hai.. He's hungry na.." I said looked up at him in the most cute way that I could.

"Kya khaana hai?" He asked sitting up straight, his back resting on the wall.

"Supriseee meee?" I said again in a child-like manner placing my head into his lap and looking back at him.

"Abhi?" he said looking all tired.

"Haan abhi! Chocolate khaana hai.." I demanded.

"We don't have...."

"We do! Fridge mein hai.. Jao lekar aao!" I said pointing at the door. I was amazed myself at how kiddish I could behave, but nothing was in my control. I did what the hormones and my brain made me do.

"Okay, fine." he sulked as he slipped out of the bed and switched on the lights and went outside the room. Within no time he was back again with a chocolate bar in his hands. "Lo,chocolate." He handed me the bar of chocolate and again placed himself onto the bed.

I unwrapped the chocolate as it was some treasure I had been searching for long.. Or like it was the last bar of chocolate in the whole wide world. He watched me behave like a five year old and fight with the wrapper to tear it up and a wide smile arose on his lips.

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