True Lies

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"Niti! Niti!! Open the door! Niti!!" I snuggled into his arms hugging him tight. "Niti!!" I jerked up as I heard my sisters voice. She was banging the door of my room like crazy! I looked at Parth, who was still asleep.

"Ek minute!" I said as I got off the bed freeing myself from his arms and opened the door. "Haaan bol" I yawned opening the door.

"Niti.. Nisha.. She fell.. She was walking down the stairs and tripped and fell.. And she was... Pregnant.. Niti ... We have to go.." I was taken aback. I couldn't react after hearing what she said. My hands were numb, my eyes were still, my heartbeat fast. "Niti chall! Pleaseee!" My sister pulled my hand and dragged me out of the room. "Niti mom gayi hai.. We have to go.." tears rolled down my eyes. My sister was already in a terrible state, crying, panting, panicking.

"Di.." was all I could say. She stopped to look at me, "Niti.. Just hope! Just hope! Please!" I looked back at her, my were eyes red with tears and so were hers.

In no time we went down and out of the house and she drove us to the hospital where Nisha di was. Nisha di, our cousin. She was my father's cousin brother's daughter. The last time I met her was on her marriage and since then I hadn't heard of her but today when I did, it was in this way.
We reached the hospital in less than 10 minutes. It was an early Sunday morning so we didn't meet much traffic and reached on time. We parked the car and rushed inside the hospital. "Nisha, Nisha Sehghal? Accident, pregnancy case." My sister asked the receptionist. She told us that she is in the operation theater.

"OT 3, second floor. Take left from the stairs and go straight." said the woman at the reception.

As per her instructions we rushed to the second floor and stopped in front of the OT. Everyone was there. Chacha, chachi, mom, dad, Maasi, Nisha di's husband and her In laws. They were all waiting outside the room, tears filled in everyone's eyes.

"Mom.. " I said as I placed my hand on her shoulder. She looked at me with her red teary eyes and pulled me into a hug. I pulled out of the hug and went to Chacha, "What do they say?" I asked.

"Nothing." said the poor old man.

After another hour of waiting, a doctor came out of the OT. Everyone charged him with questions about Nisha di's condition.

"I'm sorry, we tried, but we couldn't save the baby." The doctor said, his head hung down.

That was enough said to make me go numb again. I didn't know what was happening around, I couldn't hear anything else, I couldn't see anything. It was like I was entering another world, where it was just me. My hand went up to touch my tummy. I too had a life inside me, a piece of my soul, a piece of his soul, growing inside me. My mind was zapped, no voices went in, none came out.

"Niti!!" I was brought back to reality by my sister. "Niti! Tu theek hai?" I didn't realize that I was sitting on the chair. Last I remembered I was standing when the doctor gave us the shocking news.

"Di.. Ghar jaana hai.." I looked at her, water flowing down her cheeks, I met her eyes. "Di please mujhe ghar jaana hai.." My voice was weak, it was low, I didn't know if I was audible even. Tears rolling down my face just like every other face in that small passage.

"Niti.." she said looking at the rest of the people.

"Di nahi mujhe abhi jaana hai! I want to go.. To him! Mujhe Parth ke pass jaana hai di please!" I cried not realizing I had raised my voice but no one noticed. Everyone was in a state of shock, everyone was still digesting the terrible news we had got. But I couldn't think of anything else but my baby and Parth. I was scared, don't know for what but I was very scared. I wanted to be with him, I wanted to go to him. "Di pleaseee!" I cried and cried as I pleaded her to take me home. My hand was still over my tummy.

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