We Weren't Meant To Be

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The meeting with Tushar and family was winded up pretty soon because Mr. Tushar Busy Arora had a meeting lined up already. It wasn't like they had come to see me like people usually do before a marriage is fixed up. It was just a casual lunch for which I HAD to wear a sari because.. MOM. My sister used to taunt mom by saying that she was born with the powers to emotional blackmail someone. Well to be honest, she was because no one could escape her emotional torture and tears and one always ended up falling in the trap.
Anyways, the lunch went pretty good for everyone but me. "Niti beta kahan ghum ho aaj?" "Niti beta tabyat theek hai na?" "Niti beta dhyaan kahan hai?" "Niti beta.. This.. Niti beta.. That" ugh! Inside my head I was like "God! Can you please just let your 'Niti beta' think what do to with that monster upstairs!" All I had on my mind was him, like always. I swear I wanted to kill him right there! Why did he come back!? Wasn't my life hell already that he had to come and add more 'spark' to it!

Well after the 'bye-bye' session of half an hour finally his parents left. I wasn't a bit interested in this arrangement mom had made but just for my baby and my family, I had agreed. But right now there was something more important than this wedding mess. I immediately wanted to rush back to my room when my mother stopped me in the hall and asked me to sit with her and dad. Great timings right? I couldn't wait anymore, I was getting restless with every passing second.

"Maa.. Usko rest karne do please.. She might be tired now." For the first time since I had returned back my sister did something good.
That very second I dashed towards my room.


"Just leave. Now." I entered my room, banged the door shut and leaned against the door panting like a wild dog.
I had locked my door up before I went downstairs so that trouble couldn't escape from where I left it. He lounged on bed lazily watching TV. This man, after doing what he did, still had the audacity to play cool?

"Shut it off! Get off my bed and get your ass moving right now!" I locked the door of my room again and went yelled at his annoying face.

"What took you so long? I was missing you." He said getting off the bed and walking in my direction. I stepped backwards as I saw approaching me and my head hit the door I had just locked. He came forward and pinned me against the door leaving just a little teeny bit of space between us, from which even the air found it difficult to pass.

"Can you get anymore shameless here Mr. Parth Samthaan?" I gritted my teeth as his face came closer to mine.
"I love you Niti." Hearing that I clenched my fists to punch his guts but before I could do anything his face had covered the teeny gap in between and his lips were placed on mine. My eyes widened as he answered my question. I immediately pushed him with all the strength inside me and he was moved away.

"How dare you!?" I screamed in the loudest voice that I could not caring about who might hear me. But no one could have really heard even that because the volume of my television was turned up so high.

"Niti I know what I've done and I know that you're angry at me but Niti, I love you and I'm sorry. I'm really sorry for whatever I had done earlier." No matter how true that sounded I was blinded by the hatred for him inside me, which just grew a little more with what he did.

"NO! No Mr. Parth Samthaan you don't know what you've done! You don't know anything! I'm not angry at you Parth, that time passed way before! You've not just hurt me Parth, you've broken me bit by bit! And I'm broken way beyond repair so YOU leave right now! Get away from my sight!" I was firm in what I said. "I don't even feel the right to be angry with you, all I feel for you is hatred Parth. Inside me, there's nothing left for you! Why are you back?" The firmness which I faked couldn't stay for long. I could feel myself shiver with each word I uttered. I didn't know whether or not I meant any of it but I just said what my head was filled up with. There was no way my heart could stop me.

Were we meant to be? (COMPLETED-Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now