That's Cheating!

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Present day..

I woke up from the sun ray that fell straight through the window, dodging the curtains, into my eyes. He was right there. My head pressed lightly against his chest and his arms wrapped around me, just as tight as they were the previous night.

I looked up at him. He looked so cute sleeping that way. I helped myself crawl up a few inches on his tall structure and stopped my face parallel to his. The sepration between our faces was less that two inches. I smiled as I adored his face and leaned forward to kiss his lips. My plan was to drop a small peck there, but he already had his own plans. He didn't free my lips and kept them busy with his. I didn't struggle either. His arms that were already around me wrapped me tightly and he lifted me up onto him.
"Parth!" I spoke in between the tiny break he gave me. I could feel his lips widen into a smile while they were still busy with mine.
He finally let my lips do what they were actually meant for, talking.
"Parth, dekho.. Shit! Its 9am!" I picked my phone from the side table with one hand hit on his arm with the other so that he would free me but he didn't. Instead he tightened his grip.

"Mhmm, nahi." He put me down on the other of the bed and rolled up on me. Digging his head into my shoulders and playing with my hair with his nose, he moved his head in a no.

"Parrthh!" I said as I tried once again to push the huge hulk who was lying on top of me and he cooperated. Thank god.

He finally lay on the other side of the bed and covered his face with a pillow.

"Chalo utho! We have to go for shooting Parth. Please.." I got up from the bed and tired shaking him off his sleep.

"Hmm.. paanch minute. Please." He sounded like a school going boy pleading his mom to let him have that five minute extra sleep in the morning. I liked it when he was cute! It was so much better than the hot side of him.

"Okay just five minutes. Until then I will go and take a bath."
I started digging my cupboard up for a nice set of clothes.

"Haan chalo!" He sprang up and sat straight on the bed and looked at him with a smile and his eyes all bright.

"What chalo? I said na I will first game a bath and then you take one." I fetched for the towel that lay on the big brown bean bag in my room.

"Why can't we take a bath together!?" He got up from the bed and walked towards me.

"Because don't you think you're being a little too demanding now?" I took little steps back as I saw him approaching me. In a few months only I was been very well aware of Mr. Eiffel tower's actions and I knew what he was aiming at.

"But abhi toh kuch demand he nahi kiya maine." He pouted like a kid of four or five and continued walking towards me.
I didn't realise when my head hit the almirah behind me. I was stuck. I had nowhere to escape because by now now he had my arms pressed against the almirah and he left no space between us. I was losing control of myself with every move that his fingers made on my arms. He had starting arising sexual desires inside my body, brain, heart, for him.
We hadn't yet interacted that way with each other and I don't know what kept me from doing it, but I always knew that I wanted it as much as he did. He played with my hair and got his lips closer to my neck moving the hair that lay on that part. I wanted to stop him but I couldn't.
His lips were just an inch away from where he was going to place them. I could feel his breath on my neck. I put my hands on his shoulders almost losing control and I was panting like dog. Suddenly my phone rang. I pushed him away and went to take the call. I don't know how many times I might have thanked my stars and the person who called me.
I was on the phone when he came from the back and grabbed my waist. He rested his chin on the back of my shoulder again playing with my hair. The call ended.

"Who was it?" He asked still not moving his face from where he kept it.
"The production, they said today's an off." I turned back and he gripped me in his arms by my waist. I kept my hands on his broad shoulders.
"Why?"he asked.
"I don't know. I didn't ask them." I replied gently pushing him by his shoulders so that he leaves me. But no, how could he!
"Well that's great! That means I can stay here for as long as I want. He again went back to what he was doing before the call interrupted his actions.
"Parth! Hatto! Chodho mujhey! Chodhooo" I giggled when he started tickling the side of my neck with his mouth. "Hatto!" I finally managed to move him away from me. His grip loosened, he stepped back and sat on the bed.
"Okay fine. Go bathe. ALONE!" I laughed at his failed attempt to seduce me. He didn't fail actually, before the call had disturbed us, I almost gave in to his warm touches on my skin, but who was going to tell him that! Haha!
I went into the bathroom and he saw me walking in. I came out after 20 minutes and found him sleeping on the bed, curled by in the quilt like a baby. Well, who said he wasn't one. He was a 23 year old stubborn guy who was no less than a 3 year old toddler. I relished the cute scene for some moments and then walked up to him.

My hair were wet so I tried them up in a towel while another piece of white cloth wrapped was around my body. I bent closer to his face and let my hair free. The water drops fell on his face like the drizzling rain but he didn't move an inch. I thought he was in a deep sleep and went to close the curtains, the light coming in was blocked and the room was almost devoid of light except a few rays that dodged the curtains and fell in.

I had forgotten to take my clothes inside. Because he was asleep I decided to quickly change into my clothes right there. I put on the necessary garments and then pulled on a long shirt, which was not mine, and wore my shorts that stopped just above to the upper part of my thighs. Parth had some of his wardrobe at my place because in the last few months this was his first home and then one he lived in earlier was now visited very less. So I pulled out a shirt of his from his part of the cupboard and just when I was done with my dressing up, I heard a chuckle.

I turned back to look at him and found him staring at me. He lay on his one side and his head was on his palm and his elbow supporting his body.
He smiled a wide grin. It took me a moment to realize that he had seen something. I instantly lost my cool.

"PARRTH!" I went mad at him and jumped on the bed onto him and sat over his large figure. I knew my tiny weighted body won't affect even tad bit to him. I clutched his hands to the bed and didn't let him move an inch. Well, he wasn't the only strong person here, at least that was what I thought.
He was laughing away to glory and giving his wide irritating grin to me.
"How long have you been awake!" I asked him. I was angry! He cheated!
He finally found his breath after a long laughing session.
"A while.." He tried freeing his hands but I didn't let the grip lose even for once.
"How long!?" I was fuming with anger. He wasn't supposed to cheat like that! I thought he was sleeping!
"Since the time you woke me up, almost an hour I guess." He made a thinking expression and then again flashed his teeth.
"Parth! Cheating hai ye..! Jaan kar kiya na tumne!" I was hitting him left right on his shoulders and getting angrier when he again pulled himself over me. I was wrong. He was stronger! UGH! I hated that!
I looked away from him and placed my hands on his chest pushing him away from me. I failed, obviously. I was so tiny in front of him. It was no use protesting.

"This is how I made you make up for not giving me what I wanted last night." He looked me in the eye and said in a plain tone.
"Parth! Subha toh you got what you wanted right? This is cheating Parth!"
I again struggled to get out of his grip and he finally loosened it.
"You don't talk to me now!" I shouted on him getting up from the bed and out of his arms and went outside banging the door as hard as I could. I heard him laugh again.

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