Moving on? Well..

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"Mom please!" I shouted.

"Niti no! Please! I have always supported you in whatever you have done and I never stopped you from anything and look how that has come back to us. You've made me regret it all. All the freedom I gave you, you've made me regret it all!" My mom screamed at the top of her lungs. Luckily dad wasn't at home so we could actually shout and and scream.

"Maa lekin pleasee you cannot do this.." Di was on my side, thank god for that.

"Nahi Radhika! You keep shut I'm talking to her right now!"she shut di up and turned to face me again. Mom was boiling with anger. "Niti, listen you've done what you had to, you've had enough of freedom. You left us 2 years ago without your father's permission, you caused him so much pain, I saw him suffer! Yet I supported you. But now Niti you have crossed all your limits."tears filled in her eyes and I knew if she started crying she won't stop.

"Mumma lekin please aise kaise aap kisi se bhi.."

"Kisi se bhi!?"she interrupted in between. "Tushar has been a really good friend of yours and his family is very close to ours. Niti your father has too agreed he has to problems with it."

"Lekin she has!" My sister spoke for me.

"I don't care. You are marrying Tushar and that's final."she looked at me with anger and her expressions said that she wasn't interested in listening to me anymore.

"Mom dad? What did you tell him? How did he agree?" I was scared, what if she told about me being pregnant? I didn't want him to know right now, I wasn't ready for it.

"He did ask me that why all of a sudden I am fixing all of this but I handled that. And no he doesn't know about your pregnancy." I sighed in relief when she said that.

"But mumma I do not want to marry him! I don't love him mumma I don't even look at him that way!" I had never seen Tushar as anything else but my friend. He had always been the 'friend-zoned' guy in my life.

"So what? Love karke dekh liya na? Dekh liya na what that guy did to you? He left you and your baby just like that. Kuch bola bhi nahi, kuch suna bhi nahi bus chale gaya, haina!?"she sat on the bed and started crying. She was right. The guy I had loved didn't trust me a bit. He didn't stop me when I left. He didn't talk to me or let me explain. He just left.

"Mumma please yaar stop with your emotional blackmail! And what about Tushar? Have you even asked him!?"my sister wouldn't ever let me marry Tushh. I wouldn't marry him!

"Yes I have! And that poor guy happily agreed to marry a girl who us pregnant by someone else's child!"she looked at me in anger. I didn't say anything. I was just standing and hearing my mother and sister argue and I was laughing inside. I laughing at myself, at how my life was.

"Mumma please! You are not getting it, she doesn't love Tushar, she loves Parth! Abhi bhi she loves him mom! Can't you see her break everyday? Can't you her fighting herself? Can't you any of it!?" Even though I had always denied any acceptance, my sister somehow knew what was going on inside me.

"Because I can see that I took this decision for her. Radhika, I'm your mother. I know what is best for my children. I have had enough of this drama! She's 21 and pregnant! The father of her child left her! Chale gaya vo, he didn't even look at her, didn't even think before leaving that house that night."she now turned to look at me. "Niti, I have talked to your father and he had asked me to ask you.." Ask me? Yeah. She was doing everything over here but asking me. She was forcing it all on me! "Niti you have had your way and landed yourself like this but now, I'm taking your decisions. And its final. You are going to marry Tushar." I tried protesting but she shut me up too. "Please Niti, please."and she started crying again. "Please, you're 21 and pregnant, and alone! How will you take care of your child? You cannot just think about yourself now, you have to think of your baby too. And that's the best of you beta.. Please, I love you sweety, I will never want you do anything that's not good for you. This is the best that you can do! Not for you but for your baby!"she put her hand on my shoulder, her tears flowing.

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