Closer and Stronger

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"Let me gooo!" I tried to free my hands from his. He had held them so tight, his grip so firm.

We were both in the girl's part of the vanity. The rest of people were busy shooting their scenes and both of us, meanwhile, were trying to steal some moments.

It had been 5 months since when we had confessed our 'liking' for each other and since that moment we had grown stronger and closer with every second that had passed.

"Uhh.. Nope." He said pulling me closer. A wide smile on his face, more like a laugh, his teeth showing. He looked so cute! I wish I didn't had to free myself but I had my scene next and I had to go. But I still resisted my cute boyfriend and tried to free myself from him.

"Leave before someone comes in Parth, I'm telling you varna I'll.."
"Haan..? Varna what?"
"Varna this.." I pushed him with all the power I had in me and he fell on the sofa behind him.
"Fun eh?" I laughed and ran towards the door but before I could, he grasped my hand and pulled me onto him.
I landed over him, my hair falling all over his face, his hands gripping my waist tight.
I removed my hair from his face and kept my hand on his chest placing my chin over them.
"What's wrong with you? Hmm?"
"Nothing's wrong. I just want to spend some time with you.." He said.
"But I have to go na, stop being a kid here, chodho mujhe.." I moved a bit wanting him to free my waist and so he did.

"Okay go. But only if you let me stay at your place tonight..." He chuckled giving a smirky smile to me.
"Accha okay. Fine." I said.
"Do I have a choice? Or else you'll keep ringing me up all night long!" I sighed.
He did that often. There was one time when I refused him for a night stay and he kept calling me the whole night! Getting stubborn and kiddish was one of the many things I discovered about him in the last few months we spent together. It was annoying sometimes but most of the times it was cute to watch him make those kid-like expressions and get his way out always! He would hold me my waist, not let me go, or he'd just block my way and irritate me until I agreed to him. He was never unreasonable and always knew when to stop and this one thing made me respect him even more.

I did not have any issues staying with him but since no one knew about us, it was usually a problem hiding.

"Can I go now?" I asked him.
"Haan toh go na, who stopped you anyway?" He chuckled looking down and then again looked up at me with those black, naughty eyes of his.

At night..

Like always we left together from our late night shoot and reached my place.
I couldn't go to his place because of his flatmate, Raj. So it was my flat that we went to.

"One condition Mr. Parth Samthaan." I turned back on one heel and warned him.
"Kya?" He locked the car and turned back with confused expressions.
"Behave yourself. Okay?" I stepped forward, towards him, went closer and standing on my toes grabbed the collar of his T-shirt.
"Okay?" I asked again. It was more a whisper. Leaving his collar I took a few steps backward.
"You mean this..?" He started moving towards me with his arms opening up.
"No, no, no, no, no!! Parth!!" I screamed, playfully though. Turning back, as fast as I could I ran up to my apartment, escaping his grip a few times. I was laughing. Looking back, I found him nearer every time and his laugh echoing in the corridors.

I ran up stairs and only stopped to unlock the door of my apartment. There he caught me. He got a hold of my waist from the back and swirled me around.
"Caught you!" We were both out of breath.

It was a different side of him, something I thanked God for. I looked at his face as he was still swirling me around and wondered, if I had never met this guy what would my life be like? Because with him I felt complete. He made me happy. It hadn't been much time since we got together but I felt like he was the piece that was missing to complete me.

The corridor was filled with our laughter and giggles.

"Sshhush! It's a corridor, and I don't live here all by myself. Let go inside.." He put me down and I unlocked the door while he played with my hair, something he did more often. We went inside, switched the light on and headed towards my room.

He jumped on the bed while I searched for my night clothes in the almirah.

"Are you hungry?" I asked turning back. He had his one elbow on the bed he lay side ways, his elbow and one shoulder supporting his body. He was so tall that he almost 'just fit' into that bed of mine.

"Hungry for what?" His brows raised up, his eyes holding that notorious smile while his lips smirking.
"Didn't I just say you have to behave yourself?" I smiled shyly, though not agreeing to what he said. And he very much figured that out.
"Okay! Fine. I'm not hungry." He dug his face into the pillow, lying on his stomach.
"I'll be back.. 5 minutes." I told him and went inside the washroom to change my clothes.
"Come soon!" I heard him say.

I was lying on one side of the bed and he on the other. We were just staring at the ceiling, talking sometimes.
"Why do I have to control myself even here! No one's peeking through the windows or the walls, right?" he spoke up after a long silence.
"Why is it so difficult?" I looked at him. He took my hand in his and entwined his fingers with mine and pulled me on him. I was half on the bed and half over him. I put my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around him.

"It's just a kiss. 5 months and I have behaved myself in the most gentlemanly way that I could have and now I'm out of patience."

He lifted my chin up and made me look at him. His face was so perfect. His eyes so innocent. I wanted to give him more than just a kiss but I couldn't. No matter what, I was still living under the guilt that I was so madly in love with this guy and spending the night with him but my mother had not a clue about this. I had never in life hidden anything from my mother but this... I hadn't told Parth about this one thing because I had never felt the need to.

"Abhi toh diya tha na.." I said removing his hand from my chin and again placing my head on his chest again.
"Abhi!? Kabhi? When? Never! Liar. Kuch nahi diya.." He looked at me and I looked back trying to hide a smile.
"You don't remember Mr. Malhotra? You kissed me, right?" I finally gave a big wide smile, biting my lower lip.

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