The Surprise

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I woke up with a smile on my face. The sun rays fell straight into my my room dodging the curtains like they always did. It was just another morning for the world but for me it was the most beautiful morning of my life which followed the most eventful and beautiful night of my life.

I struggled to get up but couldn't. I realized that he had wrapped his hands around me tightly even in his sleep. He lay on his stomach on his part of the bed and his face was placed on my bare shoulder nuzzling into my hair. I looked at him and found myself falling again for this big baby I had lying next to me. He was a fully grown man with child-like heart. He was the most adorable kid I had ever seen. I adjusted the position in which I lay, a bit and leaned forward to kiss his forehead. He immediately replied with a smile.
"Good morning" he said widening his smile. Even before I could reply he pulled me over him  and rolled on the bed placing himself above my tiny figure. We were still lying bare, nothing but a piece of linen covered both our bodies. He quickly sealed his lips over mine. I placed my arms around his neck pulling him closer to enjoy every bit of the work he did on me. "Good morning" I said smiling as he finally moved his lips from mine. I pushed him a little and attempted to get up but he didn't let me.

"Mhm, nahi!" He said again leaning forward to meet my lips with his, but I stopped him.

"Parth.." I looked at him and struggled to get out of his grip. He finally let me. He got up and put his clothes on expect the vest and again went back to bed.
I wrapped the linen around my body just like the I had wrapped the towel around it last night and got up from the bed to stand in front of the mirror. I admired myself in the mirror. The smile, the glow, the blush, the twinkling eyes. Memories of the previous night flashed in my mind and I blushed a little brighter and smiled a little wider.

"That! That is my favorite." I looked at Parth and found him gazing at me as I admired myself.

"What?" I asked shrugging my shoulders.
He got up from the bed and walked to stand behind me. He put his hands around me and placed his chin on my bare shoulder. My hair were placed on the other shoulder of mine exposing this one to him. He kissed the back of my shoulder and slowly moved his mouth to the side of my neck and left some wet imprints there. I raised my hands and placed them above his not disturbing the actions his lips were busy doing. I loved it when he traced all over my body with his lips. He continued doing that until he had made sure there was no other part left on that little exposed area of my body. He again placed his chin on my shoulder and pointed towards the mirror "Your smile." He replied to the question I had asked. My smile broadened and the blush that lingered on my face got a little brighter. He put his hands on my waist and turned me around to face him. Taking my hands he put them over his shoulders bordering his neck. He pulled me closer and kissed me on my left cheek.

"Ms. Niti Taylor, I might always trouble you, I might shout on you, I might get angry on you but I will never ever, in this life of mine, leave you. I will never hurt you. I promise." He assured me in the most promising way. A tear rolled down my right eye and my lips broadened into another wide smile. He took my hand in his and entwined our fingers locking them with each other.

I was absolutely sure about him, sure about that what I did last night was nothing wrong. I was sure about US. I knew I would never want anyone else the way I wanted him, I could never love anyone else the way I loved him. The soul reason for why I gave into all the desires last night. I had been feeling the need of him a lot lately. I needed him more than he needed me. With us growing stronger and closer every passing second, I could no more resist the desires that he ignited in me. His touch ran shivers down my body. Just the presence of him around me gave me chills. I had been controlling all of this since a long long time but last night I was ready for it. I was ready to surrender myself to him.
He was busy gazing our entwined fingers when suddenly my phone rang. He fetched it for me and read the name flashing on the screen "Mom." He picked the phone and went into the balcony.

I had finally told my mother and my sister about me and Parth a few days ago. I was a bit relived when I finally told my mother that I was in love with Parth and that I had been living with him. My mother wasn't shocked on knowing that I was in love with him. She said she could clearly see it on my face while I was Nandini. That's so irrational How could she possibly see that? "Beta mom hoon tumhari, paida kiya hai tumhe.. I know you in and out."was what she said when I asked her how she knew.
Although her reaction was not quite the same on knowing that we had been living together. She was worried and told me to move out. I as usual was stubborn and didn't. She trusted me so she didn't force me into moving out but just told me to be careful about every step that I took. As soon as I told mom about Parth, she wanted to speak to him. I informed Parth about this. "Arre.. Main.. Mmm..main kya bolunga?" It was hilarious to watch him protest not talking to mom but with me around.. I always get things done.
Parth and mom had started talking often and on a regular basis. My sister, Radhika, didn't seem to be surprised either. She had no issues with me and Parth living together.

"Haan pakka pakka aunty, I will take care of your daughter don't worry. She is my responsibility and you don't have to be worried at all." He said coming in.

"Ji aunty, bye!"saying that he cut the call.

"Whaaa? Didn't she want to talk to me?" I asked him taking my phone from his hands.

"Nahi she wanted to talk to me. She likes me a lot haan." He winked at me flashing the 32 sparkling teeth he had.

"Ya right!" I pushed him aside and went for the bathroom door but before I could take a step ahead he pulled me back into his arms enclosing me between them.

"Get ready. We have to leave soon.. I have a surprise for you."he kissed me a quick kiss and picked his vest from the bed and went outside the room.


"Lekin at least tell me where we are going!" I had asked this for the 100th time in the past 2 hours. He was driving the car and was on some highway. I sat on the passengers seat next to the drivers seat and kept begging him to tell me where we were going.

"Chup chap baithke gaane suno tum, let me drive" he ordered me. I sat in complete silence for another hour.

"Niti.. Niti.. Wake up!" He called my name and shook me by my shoulders. I didn't realize when I doze off to sleep.

"Henh? Where are we?" I asked him coming back to my senses. I looked outside the window and found the car parked outside a big building. I looked around a bit more to figure out as to where he has got me. I was busy figuring that out when he got out of the car and opened the door for me to come out.

"Parth batao toh where have you got me?" I was curious now. I hadn't seen this place before and nothing seemed similar about it. It was sure that we were not in Mumbai.
"Accha chalo batata hoon.." He pulled my hand and locked the car. I walked him with into the building outside which he had parked the car. We went inside the building and took the lift.

"Parth baba kaise ho? Bahut time baad aaye." The old man, liftman, asked him. I had no clue as to where he brought me to.
He chatted a bit with the old liftman and pressed the button which had 10 written on it. We reached the 10th floor in seconds and he held my hand and pulled me again. He finally stopped in front of a door that had the his surname on it. I finally understood where he had got me to. Excitement was building up inside me.
He rang the door bell and a woman opened the door. It was his mother. I could instantly make out because he had shown me her picture once.

"Paarth! Aa gaya finally." She said hugging his son tight and Parth bend down to touch her feet and take her blessings. She put her hand on his head and blessed him. Then she looked at me and smiled.. "Le aaya isse bhi."she smiled at me and then at her son.

I looked at Parth with a warm smile on my face and he responded back with the same.

"Surprise!" He leaned a bit forward and whispered into my ears.

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