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Aang wants to go and take on the Fire Lord, but we convince him not to and instead help our friends to get off of the island. We run back to the surface and climb on Appa. As we fly to the others I see many warballons with the Fire Nation insignia.

We land and tell Katara what happened with Azula. Sokka says we need to get back to the submarines and try to get out of here. ''They've got airpower, but so do we. I'm going to try and stall them'' Aang said and he took off. Katara and I looked at each other and we both jumped on Appa. ''Get everyone out of here!'' I yelled at Sokka and Toph and we took off.

When we reached the warballons the fire benders attacked and I shielded Aang, Katara and Appa from the fire while Aang and Katara took care of the balloons. We took a couple of balloons down but we were running out of water and we decided to join the others. The big balloons opened doors and Toph covered us as the bombs fell. 

''Why don't they turn around to attack us?'' Katara questioned. ''Their heading to the beach'' Aang said. ''Where the submarines are'' I say. ''They're going to destroy the submarines! How are we going to get away?!'' Sokka yelled and his father said that were not.

Sokka immediately said that they were going to fight but his father said that we had to run on Appa and get out of here. Katara didn't like the plan very much. We look defeated as we saw the submarines being blown up and burn to the ground.

We got all the kids on Appa and the adults were going to surrender. ''I think we should keep that girl here. The Fire Nation will be glad to have her back, as a prisoner'' the man from earlier said. I made a water whip and I struck his face and froze him against the stone wall. He was trying to get lose and he was shouting at the others so I made him shut up by sealing his mouth with ice.

I looked around at the others and they looked at me with shock. ''Anyone something to say?'' I asked looking around and then someone wanted to say something ''Oh don't even try! He deserved it!'' Katara said and we now all looked shocked at her but she just smiled at me and I nodded to her as a thanks.

Katara and Sokka said goodbye to their father and then we climbed on Appa and Katara walked to Aang who sat there defeated. ''Thank you all for being so brave and so strong. I'm going to make this up to you!'' Aang said when he stood up.

We took off and there was an big warballoon, but it didn't follow us. We looked back to see the adults getting smaller and smaller until the clouds became too thick to see through.

We looked at Aang ''I know a good place to hide, the western airtemple'' he said and we flew until we would reach our destination.

I began to think about today and how it could have ended. We did a great job and if Azula didn't know our plan I think we would have succeeded. I think Aang would've won from the Fire Lord, because he was so determined today to end this war. I hope he doesn't take today to hard and that he doesn't belief in himself anymore, because he must have faith in himself if he wants to succeed the next time, whenever that will be.

I hope it is soon I really want this to be over with. I want to go look for my parents or clues about them. I hope that I can find them but I will not be to positive about it. They have been running from the Fire Nation all this time. I sigh and look down to the ocean. How I would love to jump down and swim, but now is not really the time.

Suddenly I feel Zuko near. I haven't felt him this close since we escaped from Ba Sing Se. Is he following us? Will he attack us? Will he attack me?

I sigh and lay on my back and try to calm down. I decided not to tell anyone until I know more about him or his plans.


Thank you for reading my story.

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- xo Calypso-Nox.

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