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We are flying for a little while but none of us says something. I was going to ignore Sokka for the time being or else I would have to throw him down into the ocean. Zuko and Sokka start to talk.

 Sokka says that Iroh would have been proud of Zuko for leaving his home and all the people behind to come and help us. Zuko tells him it wasn't that hard. ''Didn't you have anyone you cared about?'' I hear Sokka ask and I feel Zuko shifting uncomfortable and I feel him looking at me.

I sigh ''I know'' I say but keep looking forward. ''What do you know?'' Sokka asks but I didn't answer the question ''That I had a girlfriend when I was home, May'' Zuko answers for me and I clench my fist.

''You what?! But Miku why are you with him?!'' Sokka asks. ''Just shut up Sokka it's between the two of us. We will talk about it'' I say and I hear Zuko gasp for air, good for him. ''My first girlfriend turned into the moon'' Sokka says to change the topic a little bit and he looks up to the sky just as I do.

''That's rough buddy'' Zuko says and after that we are all quiet again. When it gets dark Sokka falls asleep. Zuko stands next to me. ''How did you know?'' he whispers. ''I felt it when you were gone. Your emotions were like a rollercoaster. At first I didn't understand it but after I gave it some thought I knew'' I explain him but don't look at him.

''I'm sorry Miku'' he starts. ''Don't do it Zuko. We have to focus. We will talk another time'' I say and he sighs in disappointment. He looks in front of him again ''There it is'' he says loud so Sokka wakes up.

I look at the volcano in front of us and the steam that's coming from it. That will be my advantage, I will have enough water to fight, but I also brought my sai to be sure. Zuko tries to keep the balloon high enough but because of the heat it goes down.

We hit the water and I steer us to the little patch of land. ''Look at that, I've been useful already and not in any danger'' I joked while looking down at the boys who lay on the ground. Sokka gave me an angry look and I turned to look at the prison.

Zuko and Sokka looked at the balloon. ''How are we going to get off the island?'' he asked. ''We will figure something out. I suspected it would be a one way ticket'' Sokka said casually and was pushing the balloon into the water. He said he did think things through but so far his plans never really worked out so he didn't do it this time.

I felt Zuko getting angry with Sokka, I imagined this would happen and that was one of the reasons I wanted to join them. ''Calm down Zuko this is just really Sokka-ish'' I say while I keep looking up at the prison trying to find a way out.

We managed to climbed through a shaft and we disguised ourselves by putting on some clothes of the guards. There was only one problem the shirts of the women showed my back and with that my big burn scar from Zhao. We looked around and found something that was longer so I was covered. Just as we stepped out of the room guards came running by and one of them shouted at us that there was something going on and we followed.

All the prisoners were standing in a big circle and one stood in the center with a guard who was yelling at him. I sighed this is so typical, guards thinking they are more than the prisoners. Apparently he didn't bow down when the guard walked by him, I wanted to slap my face this guy was such an idiot.

He walked away from the prisoner but turned around and shot fire at the prisoner then he turned around and shot it back. Firebending is forbidden and now he has to go to something called to cool cell. The guard shouted at Sokka that he had to take him and he whispered to us to meet him there in an hour. I nodded and he runs off.

Zuko and I walked around and then he decided to try and get more intel about the prisoners. ''I want to check on Aang and see if he is alright. I will meet you at the same spot as Sokka okay?'' I asked. ''That's a good idea I will see you there'' he said and he put his hand on my cheek for a little while before he walked off.

I started to look for an empty room and once I found it I froze the lock with some water I brought with me. I sat down and tried to think of nothing else then Aang. I took a few deep breaths and then I felt it, Aangs emotions. I could feel he was a little annoyed and I kept digging to know why and I found out it was because Zuko had given him homework.

Before we left Zuko wrote a note that we were going to fish and we would be back in a couple of days he also wrote some homework for Aang. I focused again but I didn't found anything disturbing. I stood up and listened if I heard anyone and then I melted the lock and put the water back. I made my way outside to see if Sokka and Zuko are back.


Thank you for reading my story.

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- xo Calypso-Nox.

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