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He took one of his hands, that he had placed next to my head, away and got under my, Zuko's, shirt first he brushed my belly but then he put his hand on my back. I began to sit up and Zuko moved to until I sat on his lap and then he put his other hand on my bare back. He was slowly moving his hands to see how far he could go and then he let one hand rest between my shoulder blades and the other one on my low back. I took one hand from his neck and laid it on his chest were I could feel his heartbeat and his heart beat fast.

We were so in the moment we didn't hear the knock on the door or the door opening 'This is looking cozy' I then heard Iroh say. It shocked me and I immediately let go of Zuko and he of me. 'Well I would like to talk to you both so I'll be in my room when you're ready' he said with a big smile on his face and closed the door.

'Well that was awkward' Zuko said as he moved to the edge of the bed. 'That, it definitely was. But I think we need to explain it to him or else his mind is going the wrong way and hopes for a baby or something like that' I joked 'You're right about that I think he coming up with names already' and we both laughed 'But what are we then?' he asked now serious. 'I can only speak for myself but I think for me it's just the feeling of being loved even though there is no love, I mean I think your nice right now but I don't like you in that way' I explained and hoped I didn't hurt his feelings.

'Yeah I think it's the same for me but I haven't thought about it, but I think it's the same as you' he smiled at me and stood up. I crawled of off the bed and stand next to him 'Ready to kick him off his cloud' he joked 'Well I'm not ready for that but I really want to explain it to him before his cloud is even bigger and higher in the air' and we walked over to Irohs room. Zuko knocked and we heard a come in, so he opened the door and there was Iroh still with a big smile. 'That was fast' he said and looked at Zuko who just gave him a hard look and I to hold back my laugh. 'We want to explain to you that there's nothing going on between us' I began to explain but Iroh interrupted me.

'You really want to tell me that, that was nothing, I'm old but not blind' he joked. 'No, there was something going on but we don't like each other' I explained further 'Why would you kiss each other if you don't like the other person?!' he was getting confused 'Is this something the youth nowadays does and I just missed it?!' 'We kiss because we than can fill up a hole in us' 'What hole!' 'It's because it makes us feel loved!' I now shout at him for the constant interruptions. Now he just looks at me with a sad look.

'I'm sorry for not listening to you' he said softly and walks over to me and gives me a hug because I don't know what to do I just pat him on the back. 'It's okay. I mean it must have given you a weird impression' I say when he let me go. 'Well I will tell you that. It's the first time I see someone make out with their so called prisoner' and he looked over to Zuko. 'Yeah, well you get it now I'm out of here' and he walked away. 'Okay now we had that. How are you doing? You walked here yourself?' he said and I knew he didn't just meant my knee.

'My knee is doing great I can walk on it now for a little while but not too much because then it will hurt again. Zuko and I talked about our families and stuff and he told me about your son. I'm really sorry' he just gave me a sad smile.

'I made Zuko promise me that he has to make sure that nothing happens to him, because I know you see him as your son. And he promised me he would be careful.' I said to him smiling. 'That's really nice of you and I do see him as my son. I'm really glad that I was there for him when everything happened' I know he is referring to the Agni Kai and his banishment 'I don't know what would become of him if you aren't here for him' I said after thinking about it. I think he wouldn't have survived for so long on his one after such a dramatic change in his life.

'I didn't know that he didn't felt loved' Iroh said after our silence. 'I think he knows you love him but he also knows that his father doesn't and I think that he thinks that his mother doesn't love him because she left him. But I told him that she could've done that just because she really loves him' I explain to Iroh. 'Ursa really loved Zuko and although I don't know the reason she left, she must have had a really good one that I know for sure. But why don't you feel loved? I think the southern Water Tribe is a lovely place to grow up' Iroh asked me. 'It was a really great place to grow up but it's because I never knew my parents. But I have to go now I still want to do some training' I said and walked to the door I smiled once at Iroh and then closed the door.

I never talked that much about myself anddefiantly not on one day. I wasn't much of a talker I rather listen. 


Thank you for reading my story.

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- xo Calypso-Nox.

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