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We reach the harbor and we have to stand in line again. When we reach the lady behind the desk she is giving us a little trouble but Iroh saved us by.... flirting, eww. As we walk I feel Aang nearby and look up, somehow I always do that when I sense something coming from Aang.

'Aang is in the city' I say to Zuko. I had to tell him because I want to go look for him and see if he is doing alright because of the uneasiness I felt. Zuko looks at me knowing that I want to look for him. 'I will go with you to find a place to stay but then I am going to look for Aang, okay?' I ask Zuko and he doesn't look so happy with it.

'I will come back but I have to make sure that he is alright, Aang doesn't go into the Avatar state everyday so something must have happened' I explain and take his hand. He nods and we sit down to wait for the train. Jet sits down next to Zuko and I sigh, I hoped I wouldn't see him again.

Iroh gets some tea and complains that it is cold tea. Jet and Zuko walked off because Jet wanted to talk to him. Iroh was looking around and then the damp came from his cup of tea 'Iroh you can't be serious?!' I whisper to him but he just smiled at me. Zuko comes back and I look at Jet who has a shocked expression, he must have seen the damp.

Zuko scolds Iroh and he is just sad because of the spilled tea Zuko threw on the ground. After waiting some more the train was finally here and I saw Jet getting on. We sat next to a couple and the woman was holding a baby 'Oohh she is adorable, what's her name if you don't mind me asking' I ask the woman. 'Thank you and I don't mind at all. Her name is Hope' she says and smiles down to her baby. 'That's a beautiful name, good luck with everything' I say and the couple smiles.

I sit down next to Zuko and look out of the window to catch a glimpse of the city were we are going to live for who knows how long. We reach the inner wall and I can't believe my eyes. It's so big! 'Zuko come look! It's amazing!' I say with a big smile while I pull on his arm to come and look. 'I never saw you this enthusiastic' he smiled and then looked outside.

He wraps his arm around my waist and puts his chin on my shoulder and I keep looking outside. I never had seen something like this, so many houses I can't imagine how many people must live in this one city. When we got off the train I was this excited about everything. We walked around and Iroh bought some flowers for our new place.

Zuko says he doesn't want to stay here but Iroh tells us that he found a place we can begin working this afternoon. I wonder how he found something so fast and what kind of work it is.

 And of course I could have guessed, it's a tea shop. We all got an apron and Iroh's was a little too small so the man went to the back to get extra strings and he gave us tea. Iroh tasted it and found it terrible. He said there had to be some changes and he throws the tea away. I wonder how long we will work here with that attitude.

The shop owner tells us how we have to do our job and then we begin to work. There is not that much to do so I start to do some cleaning to make it look like I'm doing something unlike Zuko who sits on a chair with his eyes closed. It's so obvious he never had to do something.

After a day of work we go to our place and Iroh is making tea for a change but he can't find the rocks to start a fire and borrows them from the neighbor. The whole day I had a feeling that we are being watched even now we were in the room.

I have a feeling that is Jet trying to prove that Zuko and Iroh are fire benders but I'm not sure so I won't say anything yet. I lay on the bed and I'm so glad we don't have to sleep on the ground anymore. I heard Iroh say goodnight and lay in bed. The room only has two beds because the person giving us the room thought that Zuko and I were a couple, we didn't say anything about it since we usually sleep together.

That's when I felt Zuko sitting behind me on the bed and stroking my hair. I don't open my eyes but put my hand on top of his 'I thought you were sleeping' he whispers and leans over me. Now I open my eyes and put my hand on his scar and Zuko leans down to kiss me and my arms around his neck.

When I feel Zuko's hand go under my shirt I pull back and he gives me a confused look 'Iroh is here' I whisper laughing and he laughs back. I turn back around and feel Zuko laying down behind me. It doesn't take long for me to fall asleep even when I still feel someone watching us.


Thank you for reading my story.

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- If you see any mistakes let me know.

- xo Calypso-Nox.

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