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My marriage with Zuko had its ups and downs just like any other marriage. We could fight over the smallest things and when we practiced together and I won he would always get angry, even after all these years. But we learned to control ourselves in front of our children, we didn't want them to see our fights, because it could get pretty heavy.

But the good times, which are most of the time, are really good. Zuko's reign lasted for 67 years and then Lu Ten took over as Fire Lord. We loved to do our work every day for all those years, but everything has to end. And this way Zuko and I can spend more time together and watch over our great-grandchildren. Together with Aang we build Republic city, the fifth nation, where all the people from all four nations could live together.

We had a huge sat back when my grandparents died. Pakku died six years after the war and Gran-gran soon followed him. It was a really sad time for our family as well for Katara and Sokka. Gran-gran was so happy that she got to see het great-grandchildren that she wanted so badly and Pakku learned to accept it and loved them dearly.

It was around this time that Sokka and Suki broke up. They both wanted different things. Sokka wanted to help Aang and Zuko with regaining trust of the world and help to create peace and Suki wanted to go back to Kyoshi island and rebuild there and to spread the fighting way.

After Suki, Sokka stayed alone saying he had enough of broken hearts by women who leave him. When he was forty-six he became chieftain of the Southern Water Tribe.

It was hard on Katara and me to lose Sokka he was like a brother to me and an uncle for my children, learning them to defend themselves without their bending.

Iroh stayed in Ba Sing Se with his beloved tea shop and we often visited him and he would always come for the birthdays of the children. It was really hard on Zuko when Iroh stepped out of our world and into the Spirit world. For a whole month I had to take over his work, not that I had minded. Iroh was like his father and he would always turn to him for advice. I always talked to Iroh on the birthdays of our children and I would update him on our lives. He always send us his love and hoped to see everyone again.

Toph continued to do what she wanted whenever she wanted. She became chief of police in Republic city and began to teach others metalbending. Even when she didn't say it Iroh and Sokka's death affected her deeply, but Toph being Toph she avoided the topic and didn't come for the funarals. This made Katara very angry but I talked to her and explained it how she was. I was really surprised Toph gave birth to two lovely girls, Lin and Su. Unfortunately and expected she wasn't the best mother she could be. She never let her walls down.

When Toph was 54 year she retired and when she was 67 year she went to travel the world and I haven't seen her since.

Katara and Aang had three children together, Bumi a non-bender, Kaya a waterbender and Tenzin a airbender. Katara continued to practice her waterbending and perfecting it. She began to teach others and she even taught me how to heal.

After Aang passed away she moved to the Southern water tribe to spend her days in her old home.

I felt it, that Aang was getting weaker. It happened over a couple of years. And when it got even worse I traveled with Zuko to be by his side. Aang wasn't that old when he passed away, only 66. But due to his years in the iceberg he didn't have the energy to live on much longer.

It was really hard to feel his life slip away. The White lotus began the search for the next Avatar, starting in the North pole and making their way to the South pole.

After he passed I stayed with Katara for two months before I had to go back because my next great-granddaughter was on her way. It was Roku's first granddaughter.

Word had spread that the next Avatar wasn't found yet and we began to think that maybe it wasn't needed anymore, maybe the world would stay in this wonderful way of peace. But then Aang came to visit me in a dream. Saying that the White Lotus didn't look for water benders everywhere and at first I didn't understand him. But then he explained what better Avatar could there be than an avatar from someone who would have been the avatar. Next morning I sent a letter to the White Lotus to come immediately to the palace and in three weeks they arrived. And Aang was right. My great-granddaughter, Mika, is the next avatar in line. 

Leia, Mika's mother choose to stay at the castle so that Mika and I could be close and strengthen our bond. As Mika grew older our bond got stronger and I told her a lot of stories about Aang and you could see some traits of Aang in Mika. I taught Mika waterbending and Katara learned her healing, because I wasn't very good at it. She had to travel to the Earth kingdom to learn earthbending and I went with her. It would have been great if Toph could learn her, but she never replied to the letter that I had sent her. Zuko learned Mika the basics of firebending and told his experience with the source of firebending. Ursa and Lu Ten trained Mika for the most part. And for airbending Mika had to go to Tenzin, the son of Aang and Katara.

Mika is now a full-fledged Avatar and a very good one. She has contact with Aang on a regular basis and even went to the spirit world to visit Iroh. Unfortunately the world didn't stay that peaceful place I hoped for, but Mika did a great job at solving the problems that were thrown at her.

So this is really the end of my story. Thanks to everyone who has read it.

-xo Calypso-Nox


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- xo Calypso-Nox.

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