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Aang saw a poster of a festival called Fire Days. He wanted to go because he then could see real masters fire bend. 'I don't think it's a good idea' I say to him but Sokka really thought it wasn't a good idea and started to ramble about it. 'We can go take a look and when there is trouble we leave' Katara said. Great, walking in a town full of Fire Nation, just what I wanted.

Appa and Momo had to stay in the woods and Momo jumped in a bush to hide himself and then Appa laid behind it only hiding his nose, it looked really cute. We disguised ourselves by wearing black cloaks and Aang just put his shirt over his head. We well absolutely not stand out I thought. It was Sokka's idea to wear the black cloaks but I think we would stand out in the crowd, but he didn't want to hear it so I dropped the topic.

When we came by the village and we defiantly stood out. 'I told you' I said softly and Aang who stands beside me heard it and laughed. Sokka gave Aang a weird look and said we had to find masks like the people on the fesitval are wearing. Then a man shouted that he has masks for sale and we quickly bought four.

Sokka found a food stand and ran to it and grabbed the food but I think it was really spicy because he spit them out. I sigh, he was a genius sometimes, note my sarcasm. There was some creepy puppet show about the Fire Lord but we walked away when he burnt another puppet. 

Aang saw a crowd around an podium and decided to go and take a look there. On stage there was a fire magician. For the next trick he needed a volunteer and Aang put his hand up and Sokka held it down. The man came our way and asked Katara she didn't want to and someone pushed her to the stage.

Aang was disappointed that he wasn't chosen and I was really glad that he didn't chose me. It was a trick about a fire dragon and the man said that he couldn't hold it and Aang thought he was for real and wanted to go save Katara Sokka tried to hold him back but he was on stage already and he blew the dragon away. I slapped my face, he could be an idiot sometimes.

Then a man shouted that he was the Avatar and guards were coming our way, you did great Aang. Then there was a man that said to follow him and we did its look like we got something to loose. We ran away and guards were following us the man we followed had some bombs with him and they held back some guards but then the ally was a dead end. Aangs bison whistle really worked because there was Appa to save us. We got on and took off then the man threw a bomb in the pile off fireworks and they went off.

The man introduced himself as Cheng and he was a Fire Nation soldier. He told us about a man called Jeong Jeong, he was the first to leave the Fire Nation army and lived. Cheng was the second.

Aang wanted to meet this Jeong Jeong because he could teach him how to fire bend. Sokka was against it, of course. And then we were surrounded.

They lead us to some place near a river and Cheng had to go talk to Jeong Jeong and we were shown a cabin were we could stay the night. Cheng came back and told Aang that he had to leave because he couldn't help him teach firebending because he didn't master the other elements yet. Aang, as stubborn as he is, went to see Jeong Jeong.

The next morning Aang began his training but it wasn't as he expected. I went for a walk through the woods and when I knew nobody could see me I started to stretch and work out. My knee was doing so much better I could use it as normal. I felt him coming so I wasn't surprised 'So you train as well' I heard Jeong Jeong say. 'Yes, I was the only female in my tribe to learn how to fight with bare hands' I explained him.

'And you can waterbend to' he said and I turned to look at him. 'No I can't waterbend' but he didn't believe me 'I will not tell your friends if you want to keep it a secret' he reassured me. 'If I could exchange my firebending for waterbending I would do that immediately' he said to me. 'I think fire is beautiful. It gives us light, heat and it can cook our food' I explain.

'But it destroys if not tamed' he said in reply. 'That's true but a place where ashes lay are the most fertile' I reply back. 'I can't argue with you. That little friend of yours could learn something of your patience' he smiled 'I don't have that much patience. I think that I would be a terrible fire bender, I guess that's why I became a water bender' I held my hands to my mouth when I realized what I said. 'I heard a story once about a Fire Nation soldier who wanted to elope with a Water Tribe girl but I thought that they were killed before they could run off' he told me 'Well they made it at least until I was born after they left me at the South Pole I don't know what happened to them.' I explained. Then we heard a cry, Katara. 'That stupid friend of yours!' Jeong Jeong said and ran off and I was behind him.


Thank you for reading my story.

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- xo Calypso-Nox.

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