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Sokka walks to the castle on top of the hill were Piandao lives. I decided to join him and see who this famous sword master is. ''Why are you coming with me? Do you want Piandao to train you too?!'' Sokka asks frustrated. ''No I'm just walking along. I'm curious about what kind of person he is.'' I say and keep looking to the path in front of us.

''That's alright. I don't think he would train you anyway, because you're a girl and all'' he says patronizing. ''Sokka lets not do this because we both know who will win this'' I say bored.

''If I was a bender I easily could take you on'' he says and stands still in a ready to fight position and I sigh. ''Of course Sokka'' I say just to get it over with. We both know who will win, with or without bending.

We arrive and Sokka knocks multiple times before someone opens the door. He asks if Sokka has something to prove he's worth it, but he doesn't have anything. Nonetheless the man lets us in and says that the master turns down almost everyone.

When we reach the room the master is in Sokka introduces himself and asks Piandao to be his master. Piandao begins about how Sokka traveled all this way to find a master because he is the strongest in his village.

Sokka gets down on his knees and tells the man honestly that he doesn't know if he's worthy enough to be trained by a master. Piandao stands up and tells Sokka he will train him and see if he is worthy enough.

Then he looks at me ''Do you want training as well? Little girl?'' he mocked me. ''No I don't need swords training I prefer my sai and I'm definetly not a little girl'' I say bored and Piandao gives me an amused look.

We go outside and I take a seat on the stairs so I can watch them. Piandao tells Sokka that the sword is an extension of yourself and I think it's the same with bending, it's an extension you can use.

We go back in and Sokka has to do calligraphy and write his name on the paper to make it his. Instead of writing he paints his face and puts it on the paper. I slap my face with my hand. Only Sokka can come up with something like this. Now we go outside again and Sokka has to 'fight' the butler. And with the first strike he loses.

After a few more activities Sokka really got better with his sword. ''So is he like your boyfriend?'' Piandao asks when Sokka is training. ''Oh hell no'' I answer.

''That's really straightforward'' he laughs. ''We used to be best friends but life happened'' I explain. ''You are really secretive'' he notices. ''Well I've got my reasons'' I say and keep looking at Sokka.

''Don't you want to try? I think you will be really good at it.'' he says. ''No I like observing. I think you can learn a lot from just looking and this is his moment, I don't want to steal it from him'' I say as I turn to look at Piandao and then turn back again.

At the end of the day Piandao tells Sokka that he did a really good job and that he is ready for his own sword and that he has to make it himself. After looking at material he doesn't find the right one and asks to leave and bring back his own material.

I decided to stay and wait. I knew he was going to get the meteorite and I can't help in moving it. I walk around the gardens and do some meditating until I feel Aang coming this way.

Sokka works really hard on making his sword and I think that this is the first time I've seen him work so hard for something.

Piandao handed Sokka his sword and then Sokka tells him he lied and that he is from the southerner Water Tribe and I sigh, this kid is just too honest.

Piandao and Sokka start to fight and Sokka does a really good job against him but loses eventually. Katara, Toph and Aang are standing ready to attack while I just sit on the stairs.

''I think I'm a little too old to fight the Avatar'' He says and they all looked really surprised even I'm a little surprised if I must admit. ''I knew from the beginning that Sokka was from the Water Tribe and that Miku is a water bender''

''How did you know I was a bender'' I ask him curious. ''The way you move and your character remind me of water'' he explains and I give him a weird look before I use water to clean his face of the sand Sokka used against him.

''Thank you'' he says. We walk out and then the butler comes with something for us to have and it's a white lotus tile. My mind starts spinning because I know it means something just not what.

Sokka has a surprise for Toph, a piece of meteorite for her to bend. 


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- xo Calypso-Nox.

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