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I step onto the school bus, gazing upon the rows of students as I greet the elderly bus driver. I spot V's brightly dyed orange hair at the back and his six irritating friends are sitting beside him.

"Purple!" Jimin calls loudly and a few other students snicker.

I ignore him and walk up the aisle, trying to locate an empty seat but to my dismay, there isn't one in sight. I look to the back again and spot an empty seat beside a smirking Jungkook and V.

"Are you actually kidding me?" I whisper to myself.

"Come on, Violet," V grins, his mouth forming a somewhat rectangular shape. "You aren't scared, are you?"

"Of course not." I state adamantly and stubbornly sit beside him.

"I didn't think so." He resorts and as he faces me, I notice a particularly purple bruise occupying his cheekbone.

"What happened?" I ask and motion towards the dark bruise, my tone sounding surprisingly concerned.

"I-I was in a fight." He smirks, stumbling with his words.

"I don't believe you."

His expression doesn't falter and he shrugs carelessly. "Good for you."

I sigh in defeat and sit back into the uncomfortable chair, trying to ignore his piercing gaze. The bus finally arrives at the school building and before the vehicle halts, I stand in a hurried attempt to escape those seven boys. Bad idea.

The bus breaks and jolts forward, causing me to unsteadily fall backwards. However before my body can make contact with the floor, I feel a pair of hands underneath my back to keep me upright.

I quickly compose myself and climb to my feet, immediately turning to thank whoever caught me. But when I see V's smirking face behind me, I only smile halfheartedly.

Without a word, I turn and practically jog down the aisle and off the bus. I breathe in relief when I notice Bangtan, as they call themselves, walk in the other direction.

I find Eunki standing by my locker and she smiles widely when she notices me approach her.

"Violet, I have news!" She squeals.

"What is it?"

"I'm going on a date!" She cheers and a few people around us send her sceptical glances.

"Oh my goodness," I say, my expression mimicking hers. "Who with?"

"His name is Sehun. He's in our chemistry class, the quiet blonde boy?"

"Ah, yes!" I respond, briefly reminiscing on the lesson and picturing the quiet and blonde boy. "I know who he is. Damn, he's hot, you're lucky."

She chuckles. "I know. Anyway, first period starts soon, you coming?"

"Sure." I nod.

"So, have you spoken to V or his gang today?" She asks and I nod.

"Unfortunately, yes," I laugh as we reach the classroom. "I had to sit beside V and their maknae on the bus."

"No way." She gasps.

"Yeah, I know," I laugh, "it was the worst fifteen minutes of my life."

"They didn't pester you too much, did they?" She asks as we sit beside each other on an empty table near the back.

"Nah, not really. I was lucky."

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