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"To conclude the topic, I'd like to assign a partner project." Mr Park announces and the class cheers, causing Eunki to grasp her head and groan, obviously still slightly hungover from the party two days ago.

"I'm being with you, Vi." She whispers and I nod.

"But," the teacher continues. "I'm going chose your partner."

Everyone groans and complains at his words. He then explains the whole project to us before assigning our partners.

"Eunki and Jimin." Mr Park announces and I watch as she glares at the boy in front of her.

"You've gotta be kidding..." She mumbles.

"Taehyung and Violet."


I look at V who turns around and smirks. Oh god, no. Out of all the students in the room, I had to be paired with him?

"God, please save Violet and I." Eunki whispers and I laugh quietly. 

"Any questions?" Mr Park asks and the class stays silent. "Good, let's continue."

After the long, dragged out lesson, Eunki and I head to our lockers. As I'm collecting my binders, I hear seven familiar voices growing progressively louder until the boys are beside us. J-Hope leans against the locker beside mine, and I smile falsely before slamming it shut causing him to jump slightly. 

"Jimin, we're doing the project at your house," Eunki states, turning around to face him. "My house is out of bounds for you." 

He frowns. "What? Why?" 

"Don't question me." She sighs and he shakes his head, annoyed. 

"About the project," V states and I look at him. "We'll do it at your house." 

"Fine..." I huff, silently wondering why we can't do the project at his house instead.

"Here's my number, I'll text you when I'm coming over." He says and hands me a small slip of paper with his number written on. 

"But I might be busy..." I mumble, taking the paper.

"I'll text you when I'm coming over." He repeats adamantly and I sigh in defeat. 

The seven disappear and I roll my eyes. "They're so annoying." 

"Tell me about it" Eunki chuckles. 

After the school day, I say goodbye to Eunki and head to the nearby library to finish off homework. It's almost empty, there's just one person whom I recognise in the room. Sehun.

"Sehun." I say greet quietly and sit beside him. 

He looks up from his book and smiles once he recognises me. "Hey, Violet." 

"Are you okay, from you know, the other day?" I ask hesitantly and he nods.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Eunki stepped in before Namjoon could punch me." He chuckles, his eyes noticeably lighting up when he talks about her.

I smile. "You really like her, don't you?" 

"What?" He chuckles nervously, caught off guard.

"I know you like her, it's so obvious," I laugh and he looks panicked. "Don't worry, I won't tell her." 

"Thanks," he grins. "I was planning on confessing on our date next week." 

"Aw, that's so sweet." I smile. 

For the next hour or so, we sit in silence and finish our work. Sehun finishes earlier than me, and says goodbye before leaving. I continue with my work which has piled up until I'm finally finished. I look up, seeing nothing but darkness outside and I check the time on my phone which reads 7pm.  I guess I was working longer than I had expected to be. 

I pack away my belongings and leave the building, not forgetting to say goodbye to the librarian. It's cold outside too, and I zip my jacket shut before starting the journey to my house. 

As I'm walking through the empty streets, I hear a familiar voice and I freeze. I carefully walk towards where it's coming from and listen intently, my heart racing. 

"Don't mess with us again, Taehyung." A deep voice growls and I move closer. 

They're in an alley which is even darker than the dim streets. If I couldn't hear their voices, I wouldn't have noticed them because it's so dark. 

"I gave you the money." V's voice rings through the cold air and I frown. What money? 

"Two weeks after it was due." Another voice states. There's more of them?

I crouch behind a dumpster and try to move closer, but with me being the clumsy person that I am, I lose my balance and fall against the plastic material causing a loud bang to ring through the tense atmosphere. The air falls silent and I cover my mouth with my hand, mentally cursing at myself. 

"Who's there?" One of the strangers call and I stay silent, scared.

Footsteps begin to approach my hiding location and to my dismay, they stop and a light is shone onto my now shaking figure. I slowly look up to see a tall, particularly handsome but frightening man smirking at me. 

I whimper as he leans forward and roughly grabs my upper arm, hauling me up and dragging me towards the confrontation.

 V gasps when he sees me. "Violet?" 

"Oh, you know each other? The other man smirks.

"Let her go..." V mumbles.

"How much did you hear?" They ask me. 

"Nothing." I lie, looking at them both directly in the eyes. 

It's silent for a few moments before they nod approvingly.

"We're done with you today," the man directs at V and pushes him towards me. "But we'll be back." 

"Come on, Violet." He mumbles and grabs my wrist rather tightly, pulling us both away from the intimidating men. 

"Slow down, my legs aren't as long as yours!" I tell him but he ignores me and I sigh.

Once we're out of the dark alley, V turns to me with an angry expression on his face. 

"What on earth was that?" He shouts. "You could have gotten yourself in trouble if you weren't such a good liar!" 

"I'm sorry, okay? I heard you and I wanted to know what was happening." 

"Don't be so nosey, Violet." He sighs. 

"Who were those men?" I ask. 

"That's none of your concern," he says lowly before beginning to walk away. "I'll see you tomorrow, Kim Violet." 

"Bye..." I whisper although I know he can't hear me. 

This boy is seriously going to be the death of me.

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