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I wake up inside a growingly familiar room with Taehyung by my side. He's still asleep with his arm draped across my torso, his features tranquil. Carefully I lift his heavy limb off me and escape his comfortable hold.

Jimin is sitting at the wooden table in the living area, a slice of toast between his teeth. He can't speak due to the temporary obstruction so settles on a greeting wave, instead.

"Morning," I say quietly, careful not to speak too loud as I'm pretty sure everyone else is still asleep. "What time is it?"

He responds by outstretching his arm and showing me his watch which reads 09:35. That's early for me, I'm not exactly a morning person and I know Jimin isn't either.

"You're awake early." I observe.

"I didn't really sleep, to be honest." Jimin admits with a little, somewhat forced smile.

"You didn't?"

He shakes his head. "No. Well, I slept for about an hour at the most. I mean, that's something, right?"

"Jimin, are you okay?" I ask, now worried. I hadn't noticed that the rings underneath his eyes had grown darker.

"I'm fine, honestly. I just find it difficult to sleep after, you know...what happened."

"You should see a doctor or something, that isn't right." I try my hardest to advise him but I don't sound particularly convincing, just helpless.

"I'm fine, Violet," he says, standing. "I'm gonna go in the shower before Namjoon wakes up, okay?"

"OK, see you soon." I force a smile as he disappears into the bathroom, my mind clouded with worry.

Jimin is the type to never verbalise his feelings which worries me further. I feel as though he'd never admit to them even if he was struggling greatly.

I decide to prepare everyone and myself some breakfast whilst I wait, partially to kill time and also to feed my empty stomach. An array of eggs and bacon later, Taehyung appears by the doorframe of our temporary bedroom. His hair is tousled across his forehead and his eyes are tired.

"Baby, come back to bed." He pleads in a whiny tone that is coated with sleepiness. I don't think I'll ever quite get over the sound of his voice in the morning.

"It's almost 10am, babe."

"Exactly!" He half exclaims, half mumbles. "Come on, ten more minutes, that's all."

"Fine." I give in. I mean, who could resist?

A considerable time after ten minutes, everyone else begins waking up. I hear clattering from inside the kitchen and quiet chattering.

"Come on, get dressed." I advise to Taehyung who lies in his plaid pyjamas.


He changes into a shirt, that is creased due to being tightly folded into his suitcase, and a pair of ripped jeans before we make our way into the living area. Everyone besides Eunki and Sehun, who I assume are still sleeping, are surrounding the dining table eating the meal I prepared.

"Good morning, lovebirds," Namjoon calls, offering a little wave. "Did you make breakfast, Vi? It was mysteriously here when we woke."

"I did." I smile, taking a seat. Taehyung sits beside me and reaches for a plate, quickly layering it with the food I cooked.

"What are we doing today?" Yoongi asks nobody in particular.

"We're having a bonfire when it gets dark," Eunki announces, emerging from nowhere. As usual, Sehun follows closely behind. "I thought that, until then, we could wander around and just explore a little. Apparently there's a lake somewhere nearby."

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