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"A decision has been made?" The judge asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, your honor." A representative speaks and walks towards the stand.

"The jury has decided that Jeon Jungkook is..." 

"Guilty of all charges." The representative announces and I exhale deeply. Sighs of relief echo throughout the room.

"The court has decided on a suitable sentence," the judge announces and all of us turn to face her. "We fully understand the harm Mr Jeon's actions have caused and he will face the inevitable consequences. However, we are taking his age and previous relationships with the victims into account. Jeon Jungkook is sentenced to four years imprisonment--"

The relieved smile is wiped off my face. 

Four years is nothing considering a baby lost its life.

"No," I hear Eunki mumble beside me. I cover her hand with my own, trying to comfort her, but I know it won't mean much. "I lost my baby because of that monster!" 

The entire courtroom erupts into profanities and angry protests. I try to speak but no words come out. My hands are trembling when I reach over to Taehyung and try to pull him away from the commotion. 

"Let's just go," I plead with tears in my eyes. He looks at me and nods, standing from his seat. "Come on, Eunki. We should go."

She looks at me blankly before standing, approaching the seat where Jungkook is sat. Guards instantly hold her back but they can't stop her words.

"I'm going to kill you!" She screams, pointing her finger towards Jungkook who sits there, smirking in such a sickening way. "I swear to god, you're going to pay for what you did! You're a murderer, you killed my baby!"

"Go and get her," I say to Taehyung, my breaths familiarly shallow. "I need to get out of here."

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asks and I nod quickly despite the struggle to breathe. 

It's beginning to feel extremely warm inside this room and the shouting seems to grow impossibly louder. My head begins to spin and my skin starts to get hot. 

"Okay, wait outside. I'll be right there." He promises and I do just that. 

The hallway is practically empty which I'm thankful for. Nobody can see me lean against the wall and cry into my hands, nobody can see me at my most vulnerable state. 

I'm so angry. I'm angry at Jungkook, I'm angry at the judge, I'm angry and J. This is so unfair, so utterly cruel. Eunki has to live with this all of her life and Jungkook will be released from prison when he's 21. This isn't fair. 

I begin to march in the opposite direction of the courtroom but collide with somebody. I mutter a partially insincere sorry, keeping my gaze down. I don't want a stranger to see me in a state like this.

"Violet, it's me." Jimin says, his voice sounding as though he's on the verge of tears. 

"Four years," I whisper. "Four years isn't enough." 

I look up when he places his hands on my shoulders comfortingly. I bite my lip whilst shaking my head, completely in denial of the entire situation. 

A few months ago I would have trusted Jungkook with my life. I called him my best friend, my brother. He was there for me during so many difficult times. 

"I know, I know." Jimin whispers, pulling me into a hug. 

"It's so unfair!" I cry against him. 

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