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you asked for smut so you got it lol

i'm so sorry it's so awkward pls just pretend it's not pls pls pls

After we finish our meals, I assist V in the kitchen to help him clean up. He fills the sink with warm water and a hell of a lot of bubbles.

I turn to find a dishcloth, only to be faced with a clump of bubbles pressed against my cheek when I turn back around. V grins cheekily and I do the same; reaching towards the overflowing hill of bubbles and collecting a few in my hand. I press it against the side of his head, laughing when it covers the entirety of his left eye. 

"Oh, it's on." He warns and begins chasing me.

I run through the narrow hallway and into the living area, gasping when I feel two hands secure themselves around my waist. I hear V whisper "got you" into my ear as he continues to hold me steadily in the air.

"V, my dress," I whine. "Be careful!"

He somehow manages to transfer his hold from around my waist, to one hand underneath my back and the other supporting my legs, so that he's carrying me bridal style.

"I think it's time for this surprise of yours." He says quietly, a glint of cheekiness remaining in his tone.

"Okay," I whisper. "You need to take me upstairs first, though."

"Your wish is my demand."

I'm not sure how he manages to do it, but Taehyung carries me up the stairs and into his room. He drops me gently onto the soft mattress and is quick to hover above me, his hands resting either side of my face.

I lean forward and connect our lips delicately. I smile into the kiss, pulling him closer as I use one hand to cup the side of his cheek.

Usually, I begin to grow wary of the skinship after my history with Mike. But now it's different; all negative thoughts have disappeared.

"I love you." I whisper into his ear as his lips travel to my jaw, each touch sending a wave of pleasure through my entire body.

"I love you too." He tells me as his smooth hands begin to trace circles onto my hips. I barely even notice my dress reeling upwards until V gently tugs it off completely.

I don't feel ashamed, by my body or the faint scars someone else once left. I just feel loved.

I do the same, mimicking V's actions. I hesitate when pulling off his shirt but he doesn't appear to complain. I don't even look at his scars, I just admire his beauty instead.

I press my mouth against his jaw and instantly a low moan escapes his mouth. He's quick to reach for my bra and unclasp it, his eyes never leaving mine as he does so.

"You're so beautiful." He whispers, admiring the sight before him. I pull off my remaining underwear, watching as he does the same.

(an; I'm sorry everyone but I've decided to delete the smut because it just feels weird ahhhh. Sorry. I'm just a child. Well I'm 16 but still. It's just weird to me. It wasn't good smut anyways so you guys aren't missing out on much :') )

"I love you." I whisper, not diverting my eyes from the ceiling above us.

"I love you too, Violet."

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