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an; i did plan for this scene to be in the very last chapter but i don't want this book to end so here you go lol

It's been a few weeks since Amelia's arrival in Seoul. She's renting an apartment nearby whilst she and Namjoon resolve their matters concerning Ben. My mum still doesn't know that she's even here; I haven't told her yet. When she found out that my dad - her high school love - was dating a young, beautiful woman only a few months after their divorce, her confidence was knocked, to say the least.

There is still no news of Mike, thank god; no news is good news in this instance. Thankfully Yoongi's plan of murdering Mike collapsed so he won't be visiting court or prison anytime soon. I'd like to think I'm fully over the entire ordeal by now, but I'm not. I still have panic attacks every now and then just thinking about what happened. I'm just thankful I have Taehyung to comfort me.

As if my thoughts have been read, my phone buzzes and V's name flashes onto the screen. I reach across my bed and unlock it, reading the message he has sent me. 'I have a surprise for you. Meet me at the school in an hour'.

I frown, quick to respond. 'The school? It's a Saturday'.

'I know'.

"This boy..." I whisper in frustration. I climb out of bed and change from my pyjamas and into a comfortable dress, apply a minimal amount of makeup so that I look a little less like a zombie and tie my hair up into a bun.

My mum is working so I leave without saying any goodbyes and lock the door behind me. Thankfully the school isn't too far away from my house so it doesn't take me too long to walk there. I expect to see V standing by the gates, but instead, the place is deserted.

I jump when I feel a hand cover my eyes from behind. Before my instincts have the opportunity to kick in, I hear a familiar voice in my ear. "It's just me."

"Yah, you sacred me," I chuckle as V begins to walk, his hand still restricting my vision. "Where are we going?"

"I told you," his hot breath tickles the side of my neck. "It's a surprise."

I vaguely recognise the sound of our voices echoing - I assume that we're currently inside the school hallway. How did we even get inside of here? Surely the doors should locked during the weekend.

"Put this on," V instructs and pushes something into my hands. Although I can't see, I can recognise the material as some kind of dress. He pulls his hand away and I expect light to flood my vision, but they're all switched off and it's practically pitch black in here. "I can't see you so don't feel embarrassed."

"Okay..." I chuckle somewhat nervously and change from dress to dress. I literally have no idea what I'm wearing right now, it could be transparent for all I know. "This isn't some kind of kinky adventure, is it, V? I swear to-"

"No," his amused laugh cuts me off. "You really have no faith in me, Violet."

"Right, okay. I've finished changing." I tell him and his hand grips my own. 

He begins to walk through the corridor and I stumble slightly to keep up with his long strides. I hear him open yet another door which he leads me through and I'm aware that we're inside the hall.  

"Are you sure we're allowed here?" I ask quietly. "I don't think we are-"

The lights flicker on and I'm instantly silenced. 

Standing before me is Taehyung, attired in a suit with a lilac tie. His hair is gelled upwards into a stylish quiff, his makeup is precise and beautiful as usual. I look around and see a collection of pink and purple balloons floating around, ribbons decorating the walls and confetti scattered across the floor. 

"W-What's going on?" I ask confusedly.

He doesn't answer me verbally right away. Instead, he gently pulls at my wrist and steers me towards a mirror located at the back corner of the room. I look at it and instantly gasp at the sight beholding me.

My reflection stares back at me as I gaze upon the dress I'm attired in. It's a beautiful lilac, knee length dress which resembles one of a princess. It has silver sequins decorating it, making it look not only insanely expensive, but also so unbelievably beautiful. V reaches upwards and carefully releases my hair from the bun, allowing it to fall onto my shoulders instead. 

"What is this?" I ask in awe as I stare at Taehyung through the mirror

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"What is this?" I ask in awe as I stare at Taehyung through the mirror. 

"It's your prom." He whispers. I watch as he reaches inside of his pocket and pulls out a lilac corsage. He turns me around so that I'm facing him before slipping it onto my wrist, directly covering a faint mark which is surprisingly still showing on my skin. 

"Thank you." I whisper with an evident level of sincerity and gratefulness in my tone.

He quickly leaves me unattended and jogs towards a stereo which I hadn't even noticed. He turns it on and varies the volume, a slow, beautiful song echoing through the hall. He grins before jogging towards me again, holding his hand into the air. 

"Kim Violet, may I have this dance?" 

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