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It only takes a few seconds for an unbearable pain to spread like wildfire throughout the entirety of my left leg. I look down as silence fills the room to see blood gushing out of my leg as a sickening bullet hole penetrates my upper thigh. As the shock slowly rushes out of my system, I fall to the floor which seems to snap V out of his daze. 

"Violet," he breathes and rushes towards me, kneeling by my side. "Violet, oh my god..." 

"The money, now." J reminds V in a voice which doesn't sound as stern and demanding as before. 

"I don't have any money, god dammit." V admits angrily and turns to Jay who has now dropped the gun. 

I lie on the floor in absolute agony as V tackles Jay to the ground and begins punching him in the face repeatedly. I clamp my eyes shut and try to focus on my breathing but the pain is absolutely unbearable. My head turns to the side and I see V's phone lying on the ground only a metre away from me. I use my arms to drag myself towards it and when I pick it up, I dial the emergency services number right away. 

"I need an ambulance and the police." I say as soon as the call is answered. I tell the woman my address and she informs me it shouldn't be long before they arrive. 

I turn to see J on top of V and punching him violently over and over again. I feel so utterly helpless as I can't even try to stop V from being hurt. 

"Stop it, Jay. It's over." I whisper and he turns to face me. 

"What do you mean it's over?" 

"You're going to be locked away for the rest of your life," I say harshly and I'm not even startled by the sudden pain in my cheek as it's met by his fist. "You think hitting me will solve all your problems? You're a psychopath."

He looks at me with pure anger in his eyes. I desperately pray that V will get up and help me out of the little situation I've gotten myself into. But, he seems to remain on the ground beside us. 

"I'm not a psychopath, I just don't like liars." 

"V isn't a liar, he just doesn't have what you need." I say as a few tears fall from my eyes.

Black dots begin to take over my vision as I try my hardest to stay conscious. I've never been in more pain in my entire life. I hear sirens outside and I sigh in relief whilst Jay looks, for once in his life, scared.

I turn my head and see V lying still on the floor, his eyes shut and his mouth slightly agape. Blood is pouring out of his nose and his lip is cut, he looks dead.

All I remember before passing out is the police arresting J and paramedics rushing to my side. After that, everything is just a messy blur.

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