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if everything works out as i've planned, this book will finish on chapter sixty five (or maybe 70 if i can't fit everything in but it has to be a multiple of five and i will find a way) just a warning! i'm so excited for the ending omg

warning: suggestive ish smut idk

"I'm going to miss you, sweetheart." My mum says whilst pulling me into an embrace.

"We're only away for three days." I laugh lightly in attempt to reassure her.  I'm going to miss her a lot, but as I said, it's only for today and the weekend that we're away.

"Are you sure you've packed everything? Socks? Shampoo? Toothbrush--"

"Yes, mum," I interrupt her typical-panicked-mother questionnaire. "I promise I have everything. I need to go now, okay? I'll call you as soon as we get there."

"Bye, Violet. I love you."

"I love you too, mum." I say, and with one last hug we depart. The boys, Eunki and Sehun are waiting for me outside on the driveway.

"Three days," Taehyung laughs when he notices my rather large suitcase. "Not thirty three."

"Shut up." I order playfully.

A taxi drives us to the train station where we catch a train to Geochang. I've always hated train journeys but with my friends by my side I'm unfazed. It takes a little while for us to arrive, but when we do, everyone is still anticipating our trip.

"Are you sure this is the right place, Eunki?" Sehun asks which only rewards him with a slap to the arm.

"Of course I am, I'm not stupid. Now, follow me, everyone."

We all (hesitantly) follow Eunki's lead into a forest guided by a pebble path trail. It looks pretty remote out here, no cabins in sight. I silently pray we're at least heading in the right direction.

After a few more minutes of aimless walking and domestics with her flimsy map, Eunki guides us to a secluded cabin deep into the woods. It looks amazing, I can't wait to stay here.

"How do we get in? We don't have a key." Jimin asks.

"Duh," Eunki rolls her eyes. "There's a pass code. The woman who organized this for us emailed me the code."


"Well, this is it!" Eunki announces once she pushes open the door.

Inside, the cabin is huge; it is mostly open planned, and practically all of the furniture is constructed from wood. It's truly beautiful here. There's a huge glass panel adjacent to the ceiling, which I know will look even more breathtaking when the stars are shining outside.

"I'll give it to you, Eunki, you chose well." Seokjin smiles, wrapping his arm around her shoulder in a friendly manner.

"I know I did," she smiles proudly. "Anyway, there's four bedrooms. Sehun and I are getting the master bedroom with the king sized bed, and that's not up for debate. Tae and Violet can stay in the other room with a double bed in, and the rest of you can divide yourselves into the last two."

"Hey, I want the king sized bed." Namjoon whines jokingly.

"What did I say, Kim? Not up for debate."

"By the time we finish eating it'll be dark. What's the plan for tonight?" Yoongi asks.

"I was thinking we should just settle in and start the actual plans tomorrow. That way we'll be less tired in the morning if we don't stay up late." Eunki says and we all nod in agreement.

We all head into our separate rooms with our suitcases. Taehyung pushes open the door and I almost gasp at how pretty our room is. There's a four poster bed stood in the center of the room on top of a huge white rug, candles decorating practically every surface, and a tall window that presents a beautiful view of the wood-life outside.

"Wow." Taehyung grins before helping me pull my suitcase to the corner.

"This is so pretty." I say in admiration as we wander further into the spacious room. There's even a little bathroom at the other end.

"We have some time to kill." Tae says matter-of-factually, raising his eyebrows with a cheeky smile.

"We're not doing anything when our best friends are just outside, Taehyung."

"They won't hear," he insists, moving towards the wall before knocking on it with his fist. "Look, the walls are thick."

"You're so needy." I giggle before pulling him into a kiss.

He responds instantly by wrapping his arms around my waist and tugging me closer, my chest touching his. I only intended the kiss to be short and sweet but Tae appears to have other ideas. The next thing I know, we're lying on the bed. His hands are either side of my head as he hovers over me, his mouth never leaving mine.

"Tae," I half mumble, half moan as I break away ever so slightly. He remains so close that our foreheads are pressed against each other, his eyes staring deep into my own. "We shouldn't do this."

"Stop worrying." He whispers with a smile, proceeding to reconnect our lips.

Every one of his gentle touches sends shivers down my spine. I love it when we do this but I can't help but worry that one of our friends will barge in at any moment. All thoughts of worry disappear, however, when his soft lips transfer to my neck. I suppress any noise begging to spill by biting down on my lip as he searches for my sensitive spot, successfully finding it in a matter of seconds.

"You're so pretty." Tae mumbles against the skin of my neck causing me to shudder. Goosebumps surface on my skin as he continues to kiss the same spot that makes me feel weak, definitely making an at least faint mark.

There's suddenly a knock on the door and Taehyung is quick to jump off me. My hair is messy and our lips are swollen, it's pretty obvious something was going on.

"Sorry to intrude," Jimin steps inside, a little grin on his face when he sees us. "But I need to go to the bathroom and the other two are in use."

"Okay, be quick because we're busy." Taehyung tells him and I blush slightly. He isn't exactly trying to hide anything, is he?

"No problem." Jimin smirks and hurries into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

"You could have at least tried to cover us." I say, a smile breaking onto my face.

"It would have been useless, anyway."

"What do you mean?" I frown.

"Your neck is bright red, babe."

"Seriously, V? Do you even understand how much concealer it takes to cover these?"

"You love it though." He grins lazily, practically ignoring Jimin when he steps out of the bathroom.

"I also love my concealer."

When Jimin leaves and closes the door (winking discreetly at me as he does), Taehyung turns to me with a suggestive and familiar look.

"I think we should continue what we started."

an; omg idek i'm so bad at smut i'm so sorry and that wasn't even smut

pls don't expect a full on smut next chapter bc i am the most awkward person ever, i'm still scarred from the last smut i'm literally scared to read it again so i'm not going to

also i'm torn between really cute or dramatic final chapters but knowing me i'll probably make it the latter

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