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Taehyung's P.O.V

"Taehyung," Eunki calls as I'm halfway up the stairs. "Please be safe."

I nod although I'm not certain if I'll even be alive in ten minutes. "I will be. Look after them and yourself, Eunki."

I lift up the hatch and climb out of it. Instantly I see that there's a man dressed fully in black laying on the floor in the centre of the room. He looks young, too young, and his eyes are open wide, unmoving.

"How did he get in?" I ask Yoongi who sits against the wall by the door.

Namjoon is by his side and he's pressing something against Yoongi's stomach. I inspect closer and come to the realisation that it's a cloth - a cloth that used to be white and is now red.

"Shit," I whisper. "What happened?"

"He ran in and stabbed Yoongi before we even knew he was there. The blade didn't cut too deep, though." Namjoon reports.

Yoongi looks fine; if it wasn't for the bloody cloth, I wouldn't have noticed anything was wrong with him. His colour hasn't drained and he doesn't appear to be in pain.

"Is everyone else safe?" I ask, looking around frantically.

"Everyone is fine." Hoseok assures me.

"Okay, good. Do-"


I hear a cry of pain and suddenly Namjoon is lying on the floor beside me . I don't even have a chance to register what has happened before the door flies open and a line of men pile inside.

They're all holding guns which they point directly at us. There's at least ten of them, which leaves us completely outnumbered.

"Put your weapons down." J orders.

I look around and see the rest of the boys placing their guns down onto the floor. A few of the men approach them and kick the weapons out of their reach whilst mine remains in my hand, another in my back pocket.

"V," Jungkook says sternly in a foreign tone. He somehow doesn't even look like himself anymore. "You too."

"I can't believe you did that to us, Jungkook. You were like a brother to me." I whisper but his glare only turns harsher.

"Put it down," he moves towards me and leans forward so that his mouth is directly beside my ear. "Or else I'll tell J where your lovely little girlfriend is hiding."

I drop the gun instantly. I reach for the second gun that's in my back pocket and drop that, also. Jungkook smirks and kicks away my two weapons before stepping away from me.

"There's more of them in the basement."

My heart almost jumps out of my chest at his words. I feel pure anger boil inside of me as I stare in horror at the boy I once knew, the boy I once called brother. For the second time today he has betrayed us more than I could ever imagine.

"Show us." J orders and Jungkook does just that.

"Namjoon, where did they hit you?" I zone in when I hear Hoseok ask this. I look down at Namjoon on the floor beside me and, once again, there is blood everywhere.

"My thigh." I hear him respond but his voice sounds as though he's standing miles away from me.

A few moments later the hatch is pushed open, revealing J who is holding Eunki with a harsh grip. Before I can protest she's being thrown down onto the hard floor. Two men follow closely behind, one holding Jimin and the other holding Violet. Violet is still unconscious, whereas Jimin is awake and aware of what's happening.

I stare at Violet and the man holding her. I almost launch forward when he mimics J's actions with Eunki and drops her onto the floor. I can only pray that Eunki managed to fully stop the bleeding before bandaging her.

"What do you want from us, J?" I ask helplessly.

"I want you to pay for what you did," he responds seriously. "Let's start with her."

Eunki cries out in pain when J kicks her side. Again, I almost hurl forward but one of the other men points his gun at me, preventing me from doing so. Eunki clutches her stomach which is strange seeing as though she wasn't wounded there.

"Stand up." J seethes and sends another kick into her direction. This time, his foot is sent straight into her stomach which she tried so desperately to protect.

She doesn't move.

"Eunki, stand up," Seokjin urges. "We won't let them hurt you."

Although this is a lie, things will only become worse if she doesn't follow their orders. There's nothing that we can do now that our weapons have been taken off of us.

"I can't-" She suddenly gasps as if she's struggling to catch her breath. What is going on? "I can't stand up. It hurts too much."

All of a sudden there's blood.

"Eunki, what's going on?" Hoseok asks as a sinister atmosphere fills the room.

"The baby," she cries. "The baby is hurt."

None of us have a chance to process her words before there's more shouting. This time, the orders are being shouted by the police outside.

"We're not leaving until they're dead." J shouts angrily. He doesn't look at all scared, unlike a few of the other men, just angry.

J points his gun at me and I feel my heart begin to beat impossibly harder.

I hear yet another gunshot but I feel no pain.

Blinking my eyes slowly open, there's a bullet hole through J's shoulder and he's lying lifelessly on the floor. The police raid inside and arrest the other men, including Jungkook who smirks at me before being escorted out.

"I'll see you soon, brother." He says mockingly just as he's pushed out of the door.

All of the pain, all of the shock and all of the blood is all it takes for my brain to shut down. I'm aware of the fact that I'm becoming dizzy but I feel to weak to say anything. I slowly sit down onto the floor, just as all of the paramedics rush inside, and lean against the wall.

Blood, there's so much blood. It's everywhere and almost everyone is hurt.

"Are you hurt, son?" One of the paramedics crouches beside me.

I look at her and shake my dizzy head resulting in an inevitable, familiar blackness.

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