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"Violet, it's not what you think..." He panics and desperately tries to step in front of my view, as if my inability to see the object would erase my awareness of it.

"No, V, I'm pretty sure that's a fucking gun." I say lowly and move towards it.

"Don't," he says and jolts forward, his hand grasping my wrist.

It all happens to quick for my mind to register. The feeling of his hand tightly around my wrist sends an uncomfortable and frightened jolt up my body and I pull away, my arm immediately lifting up and pushing him away. He stumbles backwards, the back of his knees hitting against his bed and my breaths turn ragged. He knows I don't like people touching me like that.

"Violet..." He mumbles and I stare at the gun.

Thousands of thoughts run through my head. I knew he sometimes got into a bit of bother but I never predicted it to be this serious.

I don't think when I reach forward and grasp the cold metal. It feels foreign in my hand, and V slowly walks towards me with an emotion I can't quite decipher on his face.

"Put it down, Violet."

"Why?" I chuckle, spinning it around in my hand as if it were a toy. "Tell me why you have this and I'll consider putting it down. Don't bullshit me, either, Taehyung, I swear to god."

"Please just put it down so we can talk about this properly," he begs and I defiantly shake my head. "Fine, just don't spin it around like that, you might accidentally pull the trigger-"

He halts his words when the sound of the door downstairs opening rings through the tense air. I'm confused until everything falls into place and I immediately put the gun back onto the table. His dad is home.

"Shit," he mumbles. "Violet, go inside the wardrobe." He panics and I have no choice but to oblige.

"V, no-" I plead but I hear him place something over the handle and when I push against the panels, they don't budge. He's locked me inside.

"Taehyung, where are you?" I hear a deep, wavering voice call from downstairs and my body turns frozen in pure fear.

I watch through the narrow gap as V glances at me before shouting a response. "I'm upstairs."

Heavy footsteps follow and I cover my mouth with my palm, stifling a gasp as I clench my eyes shut tightly. My breathes are heavy but luckily can't be heard as V's dad staggers inside of the room, evidently drunk.

"Dad, you should get some rest-"

"Shut up," he cuts off his son, not only by his harsh and stern words, but a cruel slap across the face, too, which makes me cower against the back of the wardrobe. "Shouldn't you be at school?"

"I had two free periods." V responds, defeated, his eyes facing the floor.

"Liar," his dad snarls and pulls his arm back, his fist then meeting the top of his son's cheekbone.

An incoherent, hardly audible squeal-like sound escapes my lips and suddenly the room turns silent.

"What was that?" His dad asks, his drunk eyes wandering over the room until they stop at the wardrobe, his menacing eyes looking directly at me through the gap. "Do you have a girl here?"

"No," V starts, pulling at his dad's shoulder as he marches towards me.

I can't physically muster enough energy to move when the wardrobe doors are harshly pulled open and my scared eyes are left staring at V.

"Well, what do we have here?" His dad smirks and reaches forward, roughly grabbing me by my hair and hauling me out of the wardrobe and onto the floor, causing me to cry out in pain.

"Don't touch her!" V shouts as his dad hovers above me, about to, I assume, swing for me but he's pulled away by his son. "Get out of here, Violet!" V shouts as he pins his dad down onto the floor with a great struggle.

At this point, I don't know what to do. But I do know that I can't possibly leave him.

I'm hardly thinking straight when I quickly reach the bedside table and grab the gun from the surface. I don't know what I'm doing when I aim it at V's dad's face and shout for him to stop. All eyes turn to face me as my trembling hands aim the weapon at his dad. I really don't know what I'm doing, I've never held a gun in my entire life.

"Stop it," I demand in a petrified voice which only makes the revolting man smirk. "I'm being serious."

V stares at me, scared. "Violet, be careful."

The next few moments happen too quickly. V's dad leaps forward towards me and my hand jerks, my finger pulling at the trigger.

author's note; lol drama soz

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