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I wake up in the morning, disorientated and tired. I sit up in my bed and immediately notice my laptop and V and I's project scattered across the floor, causing memories of last night to rush back like a tsunami. Kim Taehyung is in my house. 

I climb out of bed and wrap a dressing gown around me, cold from the bitter and new winter air spilling from the windows. I retie my hair and wipe my tired, groggy eyes before leaving my room, gently shutting the door behind me. 

I hesitantly approach the guest room, thoughts spiralling through my mind. I knock gently and when there's no response, I quietly open the door and peer inside. I see an empty, clean and made bed with a note on top. 

I smile and walk towards it, picking it up. It reads 'sorry I had to leave early. thank you for letting me stay -V'

I put the note into my pocket and walk out of the room and to the bathroom. As I'm brushing my teeth, I reminisce on last night. I never expected V to open up to me so easily, just like I didn't expect myself to open up to him like I did. But in a strange way, I feel relieved that I told him about my dad. 

Although we weren't close, I still miss my dad like hell. I guess you truly don't know what you have until it's gone. I never talk about him, so releasing my thoughts to V last night made me feel somewhat relieved. 

I check my clock and see that it's only 9am. Wow, V must have left very early. 

It's Sunday today meaning I have school tomorrow. I didn't hear from Eunki yesterday so I decide to ring her. 

"Hello?" She picks up on the second ring, her voice sounding tired and confused.

"Hey, it's me." I smile and I hear her gasp.

"Oh, hey, Violet! I didn't recognise your voice for a second there. How are you?" 

"I'm good. I have something to tell you-"

"Sehun, shut up." I hear her whisper and my eyes widen. 

"You're with Sehun?" I exclaim and I hear her mutter an almost inaudible profanity under her breath. 

"Nobody was supposed to know," she sighs. "But, yes, I am." 

"Oh, I'll leave you two to it, then." I tell her, my mind connecting the dots as to why she was secretly with Sehun in the morning. 

"Okay, bye - sorry, I'll call you later." 

"It's fine, bye." I smile and hang up the phone. 

Downstairs, I see my mum sitting in the dining room with a cup of coffee in her hands. She looks so tired, the bags underneath her bright eyes prominent. 

"Morning, mum." I greet her and she looks up, her eyes looking almost lifeless as she smiles weakly. 

"Morning," She croaks. "Would you like breakfast?"

I shake my head. "I'll make it. You should go to bed, mum, I'll bring your breakfast upstairs for you." 

"I'm okay, Violet, but thank you. I'm just a little tired." 

Ever since dad died, mum's been working even more hours at the hospital. She works incredibly hard but her efforts come at a cost. For the past few months, she's been noticeably more tired and stressed and there's unfortunately only little I can do to help. 

"No, mum, you go and have a rest for an hour or so. I'll make breakfast, you take a break." 

"You're so stubborn." She says tiredly, smiling slightly. 

"I wonder where I get that from." I say sarcastically with a grin, referring to my mum's stubborn traits. 

"There's not much to choose from for breakfast, Vi." She informs me and when I look inside the fridge, I know she's right. 

"I'll go to the supermarket. Put your feet up while I'm gone, I'll be back soon. "

She agrees but I know she'll probably stay up and complete some work whilst I'm away. I quickly run upstairs and change from my pyjamas into jeans and a hoodie. I shout goodbye to my mum before leaving the house and walking towards the local supermarket. 

I don't really know where I'm going, to be honest. When I moved school, I also moved into a different house and town. 

As I'm walking through the barely familiar streets, I notice a group of familiar boys hanging outside a bar with cigarettes in almost all of their mouths. Before I can walk passed them unnoticed, Jin catches my eye and waves, drawing attention to me. 

"Hey, Violet!" Yoongi calls and I sigh before walking over to the smirking seven. 

"Hello." I say and glance at V who's avoiding eye contact with me for some reason. 

"How did the project go last night?" Jungkook asks, his infamous smirk growing impossibly wider as the other boys beside V snicker. 

I frown. "What do you mean?"

"V says he slept over at your house. You have some explaining to do, purple." Jimin laughs and my face flushes red in embarrassment.

I glare at V as I speak. "Yeah, in the guest room. Anyway, do any of you have anything relevant to say because if you don't, I'm going to leave." 

"Yeah, I do actually," J-Hope says and I look at him expectantly. "Are you coming to the bonfire on Wednesday?" 

"What bonfire?" I ask, confused. 

"Every year the school hosts an annual bonfire at the beach, everyone's invited. You coming?" V speaks up for the first time, his voice sounding like it usually does; deep and rough unlike last night when it turned soft and soothing. 

"Sure." I nod.

"We'll see you tomorrow, Violet." Namjoon tells me and I nod. 

"See you then." 

And for the first time since I arrived here, I don't find myself dreading the mere thought of seeing these seven boys. 

an; sorry just a filler please bare with me! i have so many ideas for this book, i can't wait to write them :)

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