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Violet's P.O.V

I'm lying in my bed in the comfort of my room. I can't quite remember how I managed to get here but here I am. I sit up slowly and wipe my tired eyes, my brain failing to remember what has happened. As soon as I sit up straight, I scream. 

My entire floor is no longer covered by my creme carpet. Instead, there's blood. Blood is everywhere and it's like a swimming pool. I frantically look around and scream again. Jimin is slumped against the wall opposite me and there's a bullet hole in penetrating his shoulder. He's staring straight at me through bloodshot eyes and his skin is frighteningly pale. 

"Help me, Violet." He whispers hoarsely. 

I try to stand up but there's something stopping me, it feels like an invisible weight. I can no longer move and I'm stuck in place. 

"Help us." 

I quickly turn to see that the other boys are suddenly standing beside my bed, just out of reach. They're all bleeding. Taehyung's forehead is dripping of blood and I instantly feel as though my heart is going to fall out of my chest. 

"Taehyung," I whisper but he doesn't respond, he just stares at me lifelessly. "Taehyung!" I shout. Again, no response. "Taehyung!" 

"I'm here, I'm here," my eyes shoot open at the sound of a familiar, soothing voice. Suddenly I'm no longer in my bedroom and Taehyung is no longer covered in blood. "It was just a bad dream." 

There's a monitor beeping loudly beside me and the sheets are spotlessly white. I instantly realise that I'm in the hospital, just as all of the memories rush back to me. 

"You're okay, you're okay." He chants in a delicate whisper into my ear. I feel my breathing calm as he holds me tightly in his arms. 

It's only when I try to wrap my arms around him that I feel a burning pain. My left arm is being supported by a white cast and is in a sling. I remember the pain I felt when I was shot again, I remember the blood, I remember Jimin. 

"Jimin," I say breathlessly. "Is he okay?" 

He lost a lot of blood. I don't remember how long it took for the paramedics to arrive, I must have passed out. We could have been waiting for hours, what if he didn't make it? He lost so much blood. 

"Jimin's fine, the surgery was successful," Taehyung informs me and I sigh in relief. Thank goodness he's alright. "You managed to fully stop his bleeding." 

"What about everybody else? Are they okay?" 

"Namjoon's leg was injured but his surgery was successful, too. Yoongi was stabbed in the stomach but the blade didn't cut deep enough to damage any organs, he just lost some blood." 

"Eunki," I whisper, suddenly remembering everything my brain had forgotten. She told me she was pregnant just before I left her in the basement. "Is she okay?"

"Eunki is fine." Taehyung informs me quietly, his eyes flickering from mine and onto the tiled floor, instead. 

"What about the baby?" I whisper and Taehyung looks at me with slightly wide eyes. 

"You knew?" 

"She told me just before I left the basement. Is the baby okay, Taehyung?" 

He shakes his head slowly and I feel my heart collapse inside of my chest. She lost the baby and if I had just stayed with her it wouldn't have happened. 

"I left her by herself," my voice cracks at each syllable. "I could have protected her-"

"Violet, this isn't your fault. Jungkook betrayed us again and told the men where the basement was." 

"But, still-" 

"Don't blame yourself, Violet. This is J and Jungkook's fault, not yours." 

"I know." I whisper although I'm still drowning in the guilt. If I had just stayed with her then maybe I could have protected her and the baby. I could have at least tried. 

"If you stayed in the basement, Jimin wouldn't be alive right now. You don't give yourself enough credit, Violet." 

I stay quiet, not knowing what else to say. 

"When can I visit them?" I ask after a minute or so of comfortable silence. 

"It's late right now," Tae tells me and I glance at the clock on the wall opposite me, realising it's almost midnight. "We can probably visit all of them in the morning." 

"Okay." I whisper, suddenly starting to feel a little tired. 

"You should try and get some sleep, the nurses told me that you're going to need a lot of rest." 

"Where are you going to?" I ask him quietly. 

"I'll sleep here." Taehyung responds, motioning towards the chair in the corner of the room. It looks really uncomfortable and I can't let him sleep like that.

"No, you can sleep on here with me. There's plenty of room." I say, moving along the bed so that there's enough space for him. 

"Are you sure? I don't want you to be uncomfortable with your arm in a small space." 

"It'll be fine, honestly. Come on." 

I lift up the duvet and motion for him to climb underneath, which he does. He makes sure THAT I have enough room before inviting me to lean my head onto his chest, which I do. He then reaches over to the little desk beside my bed and switches off the lamp causing blackness to fill the room. 

"Tae," I whisper and he hums. "Why is there a bandage on your arm?" 

It's silent for a few moments. 

"I was pushed over and it was cut quite badly. I'm okay, though-"

"Don't lie to me, Kim Taehyung." I whisper, cutting him off. 

"Fine," he sighs. "I donated some blood to you because you lost a lot." 

"What?" I sit up slightly but instantly fall back down when my wounded arm fails to support my weight. "You did that for me?" 

"Of course I did," he kisses the top of my head. "You're my AB-type buddy." 

I giggle, "thank you." 

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