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"Where are you going?" My mum asks, peering her head around the door.

I zip up my leather jacket and turn around to face her. "To a party."

"Who's party?" She enquirers and sits on the edge of my bed.

"I don't know, actually. Some guy from school."

"Who are you going with?" She asks protectively.

"Eunki, the girl I told you about," I inform her as I hear a car pull up outside. "That's her, bye mum. I'll be home before midnight."

"Okay, sweetie, be safe."

"I will be." I say and quickly kiss her forehead.

I say goodbye once more before shutting the front door and leaving. I see Eunki's car - well, her dad's car - parked outside and I grin excitedly. 

"Hey, girl." She greets and pushes open the passenger seat door for me.


"Woah," she says, looking me up and down. "You look good. The boys will be all over you tonight."

I blush. "I doubt that."

"Have some confidence, Kim Violet." She chuckles and fastens the speed of the car.

After only a few minutes, we pull up outside of a warehouse-type building. There's lights covering it and it's painted in a variety of neon colours. It actually looks quite cool.

"Here we are." Eunki sighs, parking the car on the grass. She looks at me. "You ready?"

Instead of responding with words, I simply nod. I climb out of the car as gracefully as I can and follow Eunki to the entrance.

"What's the password?" A tall, lanky blonde boy asks once we reach the door.

Eunki glares at him piercingly. "Let us in."

"Oh-um, okay." He stutters and pushes open the door, giving in to Eunki's demand.

Inside, there's tens - hundreds, even - of people dancing to unnecessarily loud music which I don't recognise.

"Isn't this great?" Eunki shouts over the music and I can only just hear her.

I nod, not even attempting to be heard over the song.

"I'm going to get a drink. You want one?" She asks and I hesitantly nod. "I won't be long, wait here."

I nod and she turns on her heels, leaving me alone in the middle of an extremely busy crowd filled with people I don't know.

I stand on my toes look across the crowd, undoubtedly spotting Taehyung across the room. I watch as he holds a girl's waist and whispers into her ear and I cringe at the sight.

I'm too preoccupied in watching V that I don't notice a tall, black haired boy standing directly behind me. That is, of course, until he places his hands on my waist and I jump.

"Dance with me." He slurs into my ear, obviously drunk.

"No." I say and attempt to pry his hands off me but inevitably, he's stronger and they remain unmoved.

"Stop resisting." He mumbles into my ear and panic overwhelms me.

No, this can't happen. Not again.

"Get off me." I order but he doesn't budge.

"Dude, get off her." I hear a voice which I unmistakably recognise demand.

I look up to see V standing in front of us with a look of anger evident on his features. The boy doesn't think twice about letting go, he simply removes his hands and leaves in a flash.

"Are you okay?" V asks, in a somewhat worried tone, but I can't speak, I just ignore him and leave in search for an exit. 

My breathes are shallow and quick, the pace mimicking the beats of my heart. I feel my eyes blur due to a thin layer of tears and thankfully, I spot an exit which I immediately jog towards.

I run outside, the cold air quickly overwhelming me. There's not many people out here, just a girl I recognise from my Maths class holding her friend's hair as she's sick on the ground.

I look around, lost. I then decide to walk briskly around the back of the warehouse where nobody is at.

I sit on the cold pavement with my back against the pulsing warehouse wall. I hold my head in my hands, replaying what just happened over and over in my mind. 

"Violet..." I hear V's voice say in a surprisingly soft tone.

I don't look up. "Please leave me alone."

Instead of answering, he sits beside me only leaving a diminutive space between us.

"He won't bother you again." He informs me, his words sounding like a promise.

Surprisingly, I find myself believing him.

"Who was he, anyway?" I ask in a hoarse voice.

"Some pot head who always shows up to parties uninvited. Trust me, he won't do anything like that again."

"Why should I believe you?" I ask rhetorically. "All you've done since I got here is pester me."

He sighs. "That's what I do, Violet. I don't do it because I don't like you."

"So you like me?" I ask, a small smile growing on my face.

"I don't hate you." He admits, his infamous rectangular grin making an appearance.

"I'm privileged."

"There you are!" I hear Eunki shout. "I've been looking everywhere for you- ew, why are you here?" She asks once she sees V beside me.

"Bye, Violet." He says, ignoring Eunki and leaving us alone.

"What was that about? What's wrong?" She frowns, crouching down beside me.

"It's nothing. I just got a bit claustrophobic, that's all. Let's go back inside."

"Good," she grins. "Here's your drink."


I follow her back inside, only thoughts of V occupying my mind.

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