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It's been two weeks since I was discharged from the hospital. Now, I'm walking through the school corridor whilst trying my very hardest to ignore the stares and whispers. Pretty much everybody knows what happened, what Jungkook did. Word spreads fast these days. 

Before I have the chance to open my locker, a relatively familiar face appears in front of me. I recognise him as the boy who accused me of lying about Mike, and claimed I "enjoyed" what he didn't even know. Unlike the last time, there's no cocky grin playing on his face, but instead, a look of regret. 

"I know you probably don't want to hear what I have to say," he begins, "but I'm really sorry for what I said, I don't know what I was thinking. I hope you can forgive me." 

I look into his eyes and scan the sincerity that is overflowing in his emotions. I know he's telling the truth and I also know this was also of Jungkook's doing. Just thinking about him makes me feel angry so I take a few, short deep breaths before smiling tightly. 

"You're forgiven." 

He steps backwards slightly, appearing to be shocked. He did an awful thing, confronting and taunting me in front of the entire year group, but I've learnt over the past few months that life is too short to hold grudges. He apologises again before disappearing to his group of friends. 

"Morning." I jump slightly when Taehyung's voice speaks directly into my ear. He went into school early this morning to try and catch up on some of the work he missed, promising me that he'd meet me by my locker like usual later on. 

"Good morning, Tae," I smile, turning around so I'm facing him. He quickly leans down and kisses my lips for only a second or so before pulling away. "You gave me a fright."

"Sorry, babe." He laughs insincerely, leaning forward and helping me with my books. I can't really do much myself considering my arm is being supported by a stiff sling. 

"Thanks." I say once all of my spare books are inside my locker.  

My first lesson is history, the only lesson where I sit beside both Taehyung and Eunki. She's already in her seat and she smiles widely once she sees me, hurriedly calling me over. 

"Violet, Taehyung, I have good news!" 

"What is it?" I ask, sitting beside her on my usual seat. 

"I got the job!" 

I squeal in happiness and hug her, congratulating her on her news. Eunki seems to be recovering well after what happened, she didn't take it well at first, not at all. It took a few days for the realisation to fully set in for her, and when it did, she pretty much refused to speak to anybody. She was angry, hurt and upset, but with the help of her family and friends, she slowly became the person she used to be. 

It all began the day after I first visited her in the hospital. I tried to visit her again but a nurse told me she wasn't willing to see visitors. I asked why, and requested the nurse to tell Eunki that it was only me, but she wasn't willing to see anybody, not even Sehun. 

Now, she's trying to fall back into a normal life she once had. Her and Sehun are still going strong despite the rocks their relationship crashed into, and they couldn't be happier. She applied for a job at the nearby supermarket a few days ago in order to restore some normality, considering nothing that has happened to us in the past few weeks is to be considered normal.

"Well done, Eunki, I'm happy for you." Taehyung smiles after taking the seat beside me. 

The lesson begins but I can't help but feel distracted, pretty much throughout the entire forty minute period. Mr Park informs us all of many facts but I forget them almost instantly, my mind delving into deep thoughts that causes my concentration to lack. I only realise the lesson has ended when everybody stands up and begins to pack away their things.

"Don't worry, I took notes for you." I'm snapped out of my daze as Taehyung nudges me. I turn to him and glance at the piece of paper he pushes into my direction, a small smile playing on my lips. He really is perfect.

"Thank you, Tae."

When lunch arrives, we meet up with the rest of the boys. This time, however, there's an empty seat at the table. Silence overwhelms the eight of us as Jungkook's absence creates a thick tension. 

"Let's not think about him, okay?" Jin speaks up first. 

The rest of us agree, thankful for the words we were desperate to hear but too afraid to say. Somehow, we manage to avoid the tension and continue talking and joking around like we usually do. Everything feels somewhat normal. 

Taehyung's hand is resting comfortably on my knee like it usually does, Eunki is ordering the boys to stop making her laugh before she chokes on her orange juice, Jimin is begging Yoongi for a slice of his pizza but to no prevail, Namjoon is making a silly pun and Jimin is laughing so loudly, the entire cafeteria can most likely hear him. Everything is normal, everything is fine, everything is the way it's supposed to be. 

For once, everything feels like it's going to be okay.

an; ahh how emotional 

sorry for the slow updates! i'll try harder i promise

i made a tumblr account if ur interested (username: box-of-gold) but i haven't posted anything yEt p.s i'll follow u back i promise <3

have an awesome day/night!

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